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Jewish Family and Child Service

Jewish Family and Child Service

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Multiservice agency providing a range of services for people with social and emotional problems, including counselling, information and referrals, supplementary financial assistance program (government assistance recipients), support groups, supports for assaulted women, in-home palliative care program, English conversation café for new immigrants, homelessness prevention program, and parenting, mental health and wellness programs and workshops Pathways to Employment in partnership with JVS Toronto Restitution Services for Holocaust Survivors Holocaust Survivor Emergency Funding chaplaincy services speakers all services confidentialCafé Europa monthly group for Holocaust survivors in partnership with Bernard Betel (see separate listing)ChildrenJewish child protective and family services investigates allegations of child neglect and abuse adoption and foster home services and recruitment file and adoption disclosure counselling big brothers and big sisters program homework club school outreach counselling programFamiliesIncludes individual, couple, family and group counselling, family life education and life skills programs financial assistance combined with poverty reduction counselling for persons on social assistance assistance maximizing benefits and entitlements, and finding employment and accommodation support for families with special needs children Family Resource Centres for pre-school and caregivers (see separate listings)Woman Abuse ProgramIndividual and group counselling, crisis intervention, emergency financial assistance, and support groups Here to Help group program for children and their mothers advocacy and community outreach education and consultation referrals