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John Howard Society of York Region

John Howard Society of York Region

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID-19 -- accepting new client referrals telephone, online and video appointments----------------------------------------Adult ServicesReintegration Program -- for individuals 18 years and older and families who may have experienced or are at risk of experiencing contact with the law case management, brief support including goal planning, accessing employment, job and life skills, housing and food security referrals to community resources, client advocacyReintegration Program - Women"s Support -- for individuals who identify as women and are18 years and older and families who may have experienced or are at risk of experiencing contact with the law case management, brief support including goal planning, accessing employment, job and life skills, housing and food security referrals to community resources, client advocacyRecord Suspension Support -- for individuals 18 years and older who were convicted of a criminal offence and have completed their sentence assists in determination of eligibility and application process to have criminal record kept separate and apartPartner Assault Response -- 12 week group education and counselling program on domestic violence and non-abusive ways of resolving conflict victims/partners of the offended provided with support including safety planning, referrals to community resources, and information on offender"s progressMAPS Program -- for individuals 18 years and older who are currently on probation who may have experienced or are experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge offers one-on-one support with a Peer Support Worker to explore recovery goals and provide connections to community supports and services offers support in attending various appointments such as probation, court, counselling sessionsMindset Anger Management Program -- 8 week anger management program for individuals 18 years and oldYouth ServicesHealthy Youth Preventative Education (HYPE) Program -- for youth 11-25 small group sessions that promote positive healthy relationships and target a wide range of abusive and violent behaviours and addictions among adolescentsYouth Counselling Program -- for youth 11-29 individualized one-on-one support, weekly sessions for youth to discuss issues affecting their lives such as mental health, substance use, bullying, stress relationship conflict and criminal justice involvement counsellor works collaboratively with the youth to enhance their understanding, overcome challenges and meet goals