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Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Keewaytinook Okimakanak

General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services
Promotes the safety of each community through the emergency response plans coordinated by the area First Response teams Acts as the liaison between the communities and Nishnawbe-Aski Nation in regards to responding to regional crisis situations Provides training to each community"s crisis coordinators, volunteer crisis teams and community members Provides support to community crisis coordinators with office procedures, documentation and reporting Facilitates intervention, counselling and support group services for community members who are experiencing some form of crisis Maintains and updates a Regional Crisis Response Manual that includes all the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Territory communities Crisis Response PlansSupport services provided can include: Debriefing and stabilization Identification of issues and appropriate referrals to community and regional resources Spiritual supportServices provided for various reasons including the following but not limited to: Accidental deaths Attempted suicide Bullying in the schools Domestic assaults and violence Flooding and/or evacuation Homicide Loss through fire Sudden death Trauma of any form