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Krasman Centre

Krasman Centre

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Call Warm Line and Peer Crisis Support Service, 1-888-777-0979, for immediate support (Warm Line cannot be reached from blocked/unknown number)Social support programs for individuals and familiesIncludes peer support outreach, application assistance, family drop-in programs, workshops and community-based programs, and peer navigators in emergency departments (North York General, Southlake Hospital) virtual groups, visit for online calendar harm reduction kits, naloxone, injection and inhalation supplies available by appointment check-in available, email for information South Simcoe Peer Outreach Program Wellness Collaborative Initiative homeless supports, including shower, food and access to outreach workerWRAPhubCentral access point for WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) and FWRAP (Family WRAP) groups, includes group peer support program at various locations; email for information, to register or be added to wait listPartner in Housing to HealthAssistance in securing housing for people who are chronically homeless, includes wraparound supports to maintain housing email for information partnership includes Blue Door Shelters and LOFT CrosslinksWarm Line and Peer Crisis Support Line 1-888-777-0979, peer support via phone or chat, see separate listingDrop-In Centres, supports available, see separate listings