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Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario

Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Opportunity to share information and common concerns ; public awareness of issues and challenges for people with learning disabilities ; support of legislative initiatives. Programs and services include: free information for children, their caregivers, and adults affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities sponsors many events and workshops with issues related to LDs and ADHD supports parents in advocating for their child - in school, Individual Education Plan (IEP) / Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meetings outreach and education advising and advocacy support and guidance established peer support network for parents and caregivers provides list of tutors and sources for assessment Reading Rocks programMember of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic District School Board to advise on best practices for teaching people with special needs.