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General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services & Community Mental Health Centers
Provides the following "core services" as defined by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services:Crisis Services STAT (Short Term Assessment and Treatment) offers immediate intervention for children, youth and their families who are experiencing a current crisis. These crisis situations include serious risk of harm to self or others, recent traumatic event, self-harm behavior, and severe emotional difficulties/behavioral problems. The primary role of the worker is to provide time-limited services to stabilize the situation and determine the need for further service.Counselling and Therapy Services Includes a series of planned inter-related interventions focused on reducing the severity of and/or remedying the emotional, social, behavioral, and self-regulation problems of children and youth ages 0 to 18 years of age. Services are provided within the context of the family, culture and community and can be delivered in a range of settings.Door of Hope Walk in Clinic (Brief Services) Focuses on reducing the severity of and/or remedying the emotional, social and behavioral and self-regulation problems of children and youth. Provides quick access to a single therapeutic session to address an immediate non crisis need. Children/youth and/or their families may come to the clinic without an appointment during walk-in clinic hours. Appointments are available on a first come-first serve basis.Family/Caregiver Capacity Building and Support Family members may receive services where their participation supports the treatment plan of the referred child or youth. These services enhance the family"s ability to support and effectively respond to their child or youth"s mental health needs.Specialized Consultation and Assessment Services Designed to provide advice in the assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and/or treatment of a child or youth with identified mental health needs. Children and youth may only receive a specialized consultation or assessment as a component of their individualized treatment plan.Intensive Treatment Services Targeted to children and youth who have been diagnosed with mental health problems that impair their functioning in some or many areas. Many of these children/youth will require intensive intervention for a defined period of time or periodically throughout their lifespan to maintain functioning in home, school and/or community. Intensive services include: residential services * community based day treatment services * Autism transitional classroom