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Maggie’s: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project

Maggie’s: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 Maggie"s office closed and phones not monitored, to reach staff email; drop-in program suspended; supports available by appointment, including emergency funds, food boxes, harm reduction, legal support, counselling and advocacy; visit website for updates---------- Peer resource centre and drop-in programs staffed by current and former sex workers, promotes safer sex practices information on legal issues surrounding sex work. referrals to legal and community services individual trauma-informed counselling (by appointment) discussion/support groups access to Indigenous Elder includes informal counselling, drum groupPeer OutreachEducation on sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, and harm reduction distribution of safer sex and safer drug supplies and information, including condoms, needle exchange, safer crack use kits, literature and other materials peer counselling assistance in reporting bad datesBest Practices For Working with Sex Workers training workshop for non-profit organizations promotes reduction of stigma