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March of Dimes Canada

March of Dimes Canada

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 -- LIFE sessions and After Stroke programs are being offered virtuallyCommunity-based rehabilitation and advocacy; affordable supportive housing for people with physical disabilitiesMarch of Dimes Canada"s Supportive Housing Programs: provides scheduled and unscheduled service to people with disabilities in their own apartments: non-medical assistance provided for activities of daily living in the home, such as dressing, bathing, eating, and helping with range of motion also assists individuals requiring more complex supports that may include g-tube feeding, tracheotomy supports as well as other activities of daily living.Attendant Care Services -- non-medical assistance with activities of daily living in the home; MODC Non-Profit Housing Assistive Devices Program, 1-866-765-7237 -- financial assistance for adults to purchase or repair devices that increase their mobility and functional independence; may also assist with information or resources to assist in locating additional funding sourcesPop Can Tabs Collection Program -- proceeds support Assistive Devices ProgramHome and Vehicle Modification Program, 1-877-369-4867 or 1-877-369-HVMP -- financial assistance (up to $15,000) for basic home and vehicle modifications for permanent Ontario residents with a substantial impairment expected to last one year or moreBrain Injury Services -- life skills, communication, community integration, emotional and behavioural support, vocational support, recreationConductive Education -- for people with neurological motor disorders; physical rehabilitation and education to train the brain and the bodyDesignAbility, 1-800-263-3463, ext 7211 volunteers work with persons with mobility challenges to craft creative, custom-built solutions to overcome barriers to work, play, personal hygiene and other daily activities no charge, except for building materialsLIFE (Learning Independence for Future Empowerment) -- skill-building transition sessions to provide support to young adults with a disabilityPost-Polio Canada, 1-800-480-5903, -- in-person and virtual support services, resources and information for polio survivorsAfter Stroke, -- person-to-person support, educational opportunities and community-based programs designed to provide connection to other people, hope and life after strokeIntegrated Employment Services at this location, see other listingOutreach and senior services are also available at this locationBusiness and training services for other non-profit agencies