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MAX Ottawa

MAX Ottawa

General Information

Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Health and wellness organization for guys who are into guys * raises awareness, provides prevention and education materials, connects GBTQ2 guys to information and resourcesServices include:Mental health navigation: referrals to mental health professionals either part of or with demonstrated experience working with LGBTQ2+ communityPeer to Peer Programs: emotional support from trained volunteers about what"s going on in your life * one-time conversation or more formal mentorship process exploring values, barriers, strengths and motivationHarm Reduction Services: free and discreet access to harm reduction supplies either in person or delivered * schedule available on websiteGroup and Community Support: variety of peer discussion groups and Community MAXimizer programs * schedule available on websiteQueerspora: project to provide resources and training which aims to mobilize the sexual health knowledge and skills for GBTQ+ newcomersHIV Testing: home HIV testing kits (partnership with * help navigating going on PrEP or PEP ( * other STBBI testing (partnership with GayZone)Further list of resources available on the website * training offered for service providers