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Maximize Your Health – Mississauga Halton Self Management Program

Maximize Your Health – Mississauga Halton Self Management Program

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
One of 14 Self-Management Programs in Ontario offering self-management training and workshops to participants, caregivers and health care professionals across the Mississauga Halton Region * programs and services that enable people to take control of their own health by gaining the confidence, skills and knowledge necessary to manage the physical, social and emotional aspects of life with chronic conditions such as diabetes, COPD, arthritis, chronic pain * free 6 weeks (2.5 hours per week) chronic disease self-management workshops called "Maximize Your Health" for individuals to improve their self-management skills * free workshops and additional training for for healthcare providers * volunteer opportunities available (volunteers are individuals interested in supporting and empowering others to better manage their chronic conditions and to live a healthy life)Group discussion topics specific to chronic disease symptom management include: healthy eating exercise stress management positive thinking medication management goal setting problem solving workshops are held in various locations throughout the region and lead by certified volunteers registration is requiredPrograms are ongoing, visit website for all current listings