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Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto

Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
Limited in-person appointments are available in Keele and Finch offices. Also, services continue to be offered via phone, email and onlineSettlement Services orientation to life in Ontario; information on immigration issues accessing government resources including social assistance, income security, child tax benefits assistance with search for housing and social housing emotional supportHelping Our Newcomers Prepare for Employment/Entrepreneurial Success (HOPES) Program: resettlement stress support, education, skills and experience supportLINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada): provides basic English skills in English, upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto --see separate entryLanguage Instruction Giving Hope to Trauma Survivors (LIGHTS) Program: alternative language program that provides functional English as a second or additional language (ESL/EAL) instruction to vulnerable newcomers who experience emotional, cognitive, or academic barriers to learning in traditional English classes