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Mental Health and Addiction Program  Program/Service of : Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH)

Mental Health and Addiction Program Program/Service of : Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH)

General Information

Service Type
Youth Addictions
Provides a comprehensive and integrated mental health and addiction service to clients aged 16 and over who are suffering from either an identified psychiatric illness or such distressing emotional and situational difficulties that they are presenting with symptoms of mental illness that render one or more significant areas of their lives dysfunctional.   The Mental Health and Addiction Program consists of several coordinated and integrated services which make up their service continuum. These include: Crisis Services, Inpatient Unit -Acute, Outpatient Services (groups and brief counselling), Medication Clinic, Mental Health Support Services (case management and psycho-educational group programming) Addiction Services Simcoe County Eating Disorder Services and Community Treatment Order Coordination Services. Referral - medical (family doctor or psychiatrist, do not have to have privileges at RVH)