Odawa Native Friendship Centre
General Information
Service Type
In person crisis services & Support Groups
COVID-19 (22 Nov 2021) Food Cupboard is still open, food boxes available. Call reception at 613-722-3811 for assistance or to volunteer. The centre and its offices are closed to the public, until further notice, but the staff is equipped and are working remotely from home. Contact program coordinators directly if in need of assistance. Take away breakfast and lunch meals are available.This information is regularly updated on their Facebook page.Drop-in centre in partnerships with: front line workers outreach workers housing specialists visiting nurses elders trainers attendants bannock busOffers a secure and culturally appropriate place where people can use the following services: professional counselling employment readinessLife skills financial management hygiene self-confidence time management nutrition teamwork resume writing emails computer skillsCultural teachingsReferral services health centres food banks addiction centresCrisis Intervention suicide prevention counselling servicesLaundry and shower facilities available on a scheduled basisTwo hot meals per day are provided on a scheduled basisClothing donationsHousing search and advocacyWellbriety (Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings with traditional teachings) and support groups