Operational Stress Injury Social Support
General Information
Service Type
Support Groups
COVID19 OSISS is offering online social peer support during COVID19 isolation periods. Call 1-800-883-6094 or email brett.hamilton@forces.gc.ca (soldier/veteran support), rebecca.lynde@osiss.ca or lindsay.trimble@osiss.ca (family/caregiver support).(Apr 2020)
Offers a variety of peer-based support programs and resources for armed forces members, veterans and their families and friends who have sustained an Operational Stress Injury (OSI) related to their Canadian Armed Forces duty.
An OSI is a sustained mental health injury which can include but is not limited to substance abuse and addictions, depression, PTSD, anxiety which can develop following a traumatic event, combat, grief or loss, high stress situations or from operational fatigue.
Peer Support for members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans who have a sustained mental health injury (Operational Stress Injury).
Family Peer Support for family members and friends who are or have been supporting a CF member or Veteran who has a sustained mental health injury (Operational Stress Injury).