General Information
Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
Group Therapy: Treatment and Counselling
Focus is to improve a child/youth"s self-esteem and emotional regulation by helping them understand the feelings they are experiencing and developing effective coping strategies
locations: Halton Hills, Oakville, Milton and Burlington
children/youth attend once a week, 4 pm-6:30 pm
possible diagnosis/query: ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, OCD, LD, Depression
parent/caregivers are encouraged to attend the Family Support Program which offers support and skills building including information and strategies to work with their child"s social/emotional and behavioural challenges; and effective ways of connecting with the school system
Group Therapy: School-Focused Treatment and Counselling
For clients/youth between Grade 1 and Grade 8 who are experiencing significant and pervasive emotional, social or behavioural needs that are impacting the school setting despite in-school supports
locations: Halton Hills, Milton and Burlington
children/youth attend once a week, 12 noon-2:30 pm
possible diagnosis/query: ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, OCD, LD, Depression
program requires partnership and collaboration with the school and the family starting at the referral level and throughout treatment
parents/caregivers participate in Family Support Group and individual meetings with Child Youth Family Counsellor