South Cochrane Addictions Services
General Information
Service Type
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling & Community Mental Health Centers & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides services for individuals seeking assistance with substance abuse and problem gambling issuesServices offered are based on individual client needs and include: Comprehensive assessement related to alcohol/drug use and/or problem gambling Treatment planning tailored to individual needs Referrals to services/programs of SCAS or to outside services and/or residential treatment facilities Crisis intervention for individuals in need of immediate medical/mental health services Continuing care and ongoing support for clients who have completed a course of treatment to help them maintain healthy lifestyleAdditional services provided also include: Counselling sessions to explore ways of overcoming addiction problems through self-help or self-monitoring for those who so desire Outreach support and case management for pregnant or parenting women with addictions to opiates Case management for clients on methadone maintenance treatment Case management on a daily basis for addictions and housing that can include on-going assessment, a changing treatment plan, community treatement, advocacy, personal care coaching and collaboration with other services providers for clients who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness