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The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families

The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers
COVID-19: Limited face to face client services, service is offered by phone or virtuallyNew referrals and calls may be made to the main number (1-800-465-1870) during office hours and will have access to a therapist, who will provide assistance similar to a walk-in referral.Crisis will be responded to during work hours as usual.After hours, The Child and Youth Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario can be accessed at 1-877-377-7775Walk-in services closed.Children"s mental health centre providing services at various locations in Renfrew County including: Family and Child Treatment Program (FACT) youth justice services day treatment programs including New Horizons and Valleycrest group services adolescents and their families intensive services trauma services paediatric telepsychiatryGroups include: groups for parents groups for children (6-12 years) groups for youth (13-17 years) separation and divorceFrancophone services: provide a full range of children"s mental health services to French speaking children 0-17 and their families. School based services through a joint agreement with the French Language School Boards.