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Toronto. Shelter, Support and Housing Administration. Homelessness Initiatives and Prevention Services

Toronto. Shelter, Support and Housing Administration. Homelessness Initiatives and Prevention Services

General Information

Service Type
Community Mental Health Centers & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Emergency shelter for men, including short term problem solving and referrals, case management, housing and addiction counselling, and harm reduction access to Housing Connections (see separate listing) Community Partner, assistance with housing search and application processEmergency Shelter Program, 416-392-5522, 416-392-5527Emergency accommodation in dormitory setting, with access to bed area 4 pm-8 am, includes day program, counselling and referrals, meals, and access to lounge, resource room, computers capacity 240 laundry and lockers availableLong Term Program, 416-392-5542Long term accommodation for men 50 years and older in residential crisis with a documented need for 24-hour bed access, men 18-49 years with chronic health problems may be accepted capacity 134 includes counselling and referrals, meals and laundry, and on-site day nurseO"Neill House Program/Seaton House Overdose Prevention Site (SHOPS), 416-392-5407Housing transition program for men 18 years and older who are homeless for the first time, including newcomers capacity 50Annex Harm Reduction Program, 416-397-5598, 416-338-3190Overnight wet shelter for men 18 years and older, ineligible for service in other programs due to chronic alcohol use, or who are vulnerable in other programs due to their behaviours related to alcohol use and/or mental illness capacity 100 includes Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) and client centred case management servicesInfirmary Program, 416-392-5598, 416-338-3190Acute, respite, chronic and palliative care for men 18 years and older with complicated health care issues currently using the hostel system, including medical assessment, primary care and clinical case management capacity 28 in partnership with St Michael"s Hospital (see separate listing) and University of Toronto Faculty of MedicineGeorge Street Revitalization includes Seaton House programs, with residents moving to alternate locations, for information visit City of Toronto website for George Street Revitalization updates