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Veterans Emergency Transition Services Canada

Veterans Emergency Transition Services Canada

General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services & Support Groups
Provides on-site support and assistance through outreach across the country to veterans who are in crisis, at risk of becoming homeless or are living homeless in CanadaAssistance and support offered includes: Moving the veteran from the streets or shelters into affordable housing (if available) Connecting veterans to needed health care Acting as a peer ally in accessing benefits and services from other organizations for the veteran (e.g. assisting with Veterans Affairs Canada paperwork requirements) Finding suitable employment for the veteranIn-crisis supports may include: Providing assistance with rental arrears, utility arrears, damage deposits, etc Offering peer support to the veteran Assisting with finding addictions programs Providing peer support through the Guitars for Vets (GFV Canada) program, which provides a guitar and 10 weeks of free lessons with a volunteer guitar instructor