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Working Women Community Centre

Working Women Community Centre

General Information

Service Type
Support Groups
Neighbourhood multiservice centre cross cultural focus employment partnerships computer lab with Internet community kitchen rental co-working space and rental space for community and resident groups partnered programs with numerous other organizations including Public HealthAction for Neighbourhood Change, Victoria Village -- community development initiativeHome Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) -- in-home school readiness program for low income newcomer familiesSettlement Program, formerly Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program information and referral, orientation, interpretation counselling, documentation, social assistance applications information and workshopsConnector Co-Working Space -- newly built co-working space open to all with a focus on newcomers and youthWomen"s Support services -- counselling and support groups availableVictoria Park Hub lead agencyOther services provided by partner agencies including, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, Community Living Toronto, Family Service Toronto, Sesheme Foundation, East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church and Springboard