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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
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1008 Cities and Towns
Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Services – Stopping the Violence Program
- 6th Avenue North West, Nakusp, Canada, V0G 1R0
- 250-265-3674 ext 211
Offers counselling and support services.
Aspen – Sustainable Families
- 2609 15 Street Northeast, Calgary, Canada, T2E 8Y4
- 403-219-3477
Works with families who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness, have complex needs, are facing multiple barriers to success and/or are living in poverty. Works closely with shelters and other community resources to help families find and keep stable housing, assess their personal, social, physical, financial and human assets and work towards increasing their capacity to build self-sufficient future.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program- Northern Lights Health Region
- 7 Hospital Street, Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 1P2
- 780-791-6194
ACT Program is for clients with severe and persistent mental illness.This program assists clients living with severe and persistent / chronic mental illness that have difficulty living independently.Home visits are used to establish goals, promote independence, and prevent hospitalization. Services include: Assessment; Individualized Therapy; Group Therapy; Education Sessions; Skill Building Programs; Support Public Awareness; Contact with Therapist and Psychiatrist; Consumer Advocacy.
ASSIST Community Services Centre
- 810 Saddleback Road NW, Edmonton, AB, T6J 4W4
- 780-429-3119
Provides free, comprehensive, and confidential services for newcomers to facilitate their settlement and integration to Canada., , Service provides:,
assistance to newcomers with settlement and integration issues that affect immigrants in Alberta
, Includes:,
1-on-1 settlement counselling
settlement related orientation, workshops, and referrals
form filling support (except legal, medical, insurance, and immigration applications)
income tax clinic for individuals and families with low income
interpretation and translation
help directing newcomers to counselling resources
and more
, , Affiliation: Funded by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
ASSIST Community Services Centre
- 9649 105A Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0M3
- 780-429-3111
Provides free, comprehensive, and confidential services for newcomers to facilitate their settlement and integration to Canada., , Service provides:,
assistance to newcomers with settlement and integration issues that affect immigrants in Alberta
, Includes:,
1-on-1 settlement counselling
settlement related orientation, workshops, and referrals
form filling support (except legal, medical, insurance, and immigration applications)
income tax clinic for individuals and families with low income
interpretation and translation
help directing newcomers to counselling resources
and more
, , Affiliation: Funded by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Association for Communities Against Abuse – Treatment Services
- 5005 47 Street, Stettler, Canada, T0C 2L2
- 1-866-807-3558
Offers counselling and support for individuals who have experienced sexual assault/trauma. Communities Against Abuse has a network of therapists throughout East Central that can provide the treatment close to the client.
Association of a Community Engaged in Sharing (ACES)
- 20569 92 A AVE, Edmotnon, AB, T5T 3B2
- 780-761-3000
ACES - Building an Integrated, socially cohesive society by facilitating positive interaction among different cultural, ethnic communities in Canada.
Autism Society Alberta (ASA)
- 174-3359 27th Street, Calgary, AB, T1Y 5E4
- 1-877-777-7192
Network and collaboration amongst autism groups comprising parents of children and adults with ASD, family members, individuals with ASD, and caring community citizens.
Autism Society of Edmonton Area
- 101-11720 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5G 0X5
- 780-453-3971
The Autism Society of Edmonton Area (ASEA) is a parent-based, charitable society, whose activities include:
We offer programs and services for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families.
We work to increase awareness and acceptance of individuals with autism by educating the community about ASD and its implications, and by promoting ways to embrace and include the gifts of people with autism in all facets of family and community life.
We provide a voice for the voiceless to help improve funding, education, therapies, employment, health care, and social and recreational opportunities for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
We collaborate with researchers, community partners and stakeholders to facilitate improvements for individuals with ASD and their families.
- 610 25 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB, T2S 0L6
- 403-245-9050
Addictions treatment for women based on the concept that addiction is a holistic illness and requires change in four specific areas: physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Through treatment, education and support, we offer women with addictions the opportunity for a healthy life and a new direction.
Aventa Centre of Excellence for Women with Addictions
- 610 25 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 0L6
- 403-245-9050
Provides trauma informed, gender-specific, concurrent capable, live-in addiction treatment services for women., , Service offers: ,
6 week live in program with priority admission given to pregnant women
education on addictions, addictive behaviours and their effects
relaxation, recreation and stress management skills
post treatment planning and relapse prevention
individual and group counselling
individual treatment planning and recovery goals
Aventa Centre of Excellence for Women with Addictions
- 610 25 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 0L6
- 403-245-9050
Provides a 3 month live-intreatment program for women who have completed Aventa"s Phase II or Young Adult Treatment (YAT) program., , Service offers:,
individual and group counselling with a strong educational and skill building component.
Aventa Centre of Excellence for Women with Addictions
- 610 25 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 0L6
- 403-245-9050
Provides trauma informed, gender-specific, concurrent capable, live-in addiction treatment services for young women aged 18-24 in this 3 month program., , Service offers: ,
a 3 month trauma informed program in an environment that is safe, supportive, and establishes a clear recovery process for women
a family counsellor for individual and family sessions
life skills and recreation activities such as arts and crafts, bowling, dance and cooking
regularly held interactive workshops for clients" support persons focusing on emotional boundaries, communication and forgiveness
Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society – Aboriginal Support
- 4518 17 Avenue South East, Calgary, Canada, T2A 0T8
- 403-531-1970 ext 205
Offers traditional Indigenous healing, guided by traditional wisdom. This program includes: Elder support and counselling, cultural awareness workshops, daily smudge and prayer, traditional teachings, ceremonies and healing circles, and referrals to indigenous services. Offers extended care services to First Nations youth and young adults who are aging out of foster care.
Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society – Children’s Support
- 4518 17 Avenue South East, Calgary, Canada, T2A 0T8
- 403-531-1970 ext 209
Offers one-to-one counselling and support to children impacted by violence or bullying. Program may include healing circles, storytelling, play sessions, safety lessons, and community involvment.