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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
To find local services in your area, please use the following search tools from the menu below.
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- For online services, please select “Online” located within the listing of major towns/cities in your province/territory.
If you are a treatment provider and wish to have your facility/contact added to our Directory, please email
1008 Cities and Towns
Forty Mile Regional Family and Community Support Services – Connect Parent Group
- 502 Centre Street, Canada, T0K 0G0
- 403-545-2200
Offers virtual group parenting counselling. Provides support over 10 sessions.
Foundry BC – Let’s Talk Substances!
- 1190 Hornby Street, Vancouver, Canada, V6Z 2K5
Offers online, peer, group substance use counselling.
Freedom Quest Youth Services Society – RADD
- 349 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, Canada, V1N 1G6
- 1-877-304-2676
Offers an intensive alcohol and drug day treatment program in a group setting. Program lasts 4-6 weeks.
Fresh Start Recovery Centre
- 411 41 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 2N4
- 1-844-768-6266
Provides education, information and support to help families and friends understand the disease of addiction and how to live a life in recovery., , Service offers:,
2 hour group sessions held once a week in the evening over the course of 5 weeks
weekend intensive sessions are also available throught the year
education on the disease of addiction and its effects on family / friends / coworkers
information in developing solutions, coping skills, and problem solving needed for self healing due to a loved one"s addiction
referral services and support based on individual needs and requirements
weekly alumni meetings
Fresh Start Recovery Centre
- 85049 Range Road 212, Lethbridge, T0K0T0
- 1-844-768-6266
Provides education, information and support to help families and friends understand the disease of addiction and how to live a life in recovery., , Service offers:,
2 hour group sessions held once a week in the evening over the course of 5 weeks
weekend intensive sessions are also available throught the year
education on the disease of addiction and its effects on family / friends / coworkers
information in developing solutions, coping skills, and problem solving needed for self healing due to a loved one"s addiction
referral services and support based on individual needs and requirements
weekly alumni meetings
Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity
- 11725 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5K 0N4
- 780-665-5220
Provides intervention, outreach, resources, supports, and community to vulnerable and displaced Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (2SLGBTQ+) youth and emerging adults., , Service provides:,
intervention, outreach, resources, supports, and community to vulnerable and displaced Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (2SLGBTQ+) youth and emerging adults who face barriers of mental health, substance use, houselessness, poverty, and oppression
, Includes:,
Below the Belt (BTB) Project - support and resources for male-identified individuals engaged in sex work or survival sex
counselling and mental health support
suicide intervention and crisis intervention
sexual health education that is inclusive and comprehensive
free, confidential, and inclusive sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing
accessibility to staff as needed
access to basics like clothing, harm reduction supplies, food, hygiene items, and more
Queer Community Food Bank
, , Affiliation: Partnered with Alberta Health Services, Opioid Dependency Clinic, Edmonton Police Services, HELP Team, Edmonton 2 Spirit Society, AAWEAR, Nekem, Boyle Street Community Services, and iHuman Youth Society.
Goertzen, Lynne – Psychologist, MA Lynne Goertzen, Registered Psychologist Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Alberta Psychologists
- 105-2003 14 Street N.W., Calgary, AB, T2M 3N4
- 403-630-7595
Provides counselling and therapy for adults, teens (17+), couples. Narrative, cognitive-behavioural, solution-focused approach focused on strengths -- not problems.
Grande Prairie Friendship Centre – Pikiskwetan
- 780-532-5722 ext 114
Offers culturally-senstive virtual mental health services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls). Services include mental health assessments and treatment, including peer support.
Grande Prairie Friendship Centre – Pikiskwetan
- 780-532-5722 ext 114
Offers culturally-senstive virtual mental health services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls). Services include mental health assessments and treatment, including peer support.
Grey Nuns Community Hospital – Sexual Assault Response Team
- 1100 Youville Drive North West, Edmonton, Canada, T6L 5X8
- 780-735-7000
Registered nurses, doctors and crisis counsellors offer medical treatment, emotional support and education about options for care and reporting for people who have been sexually assaulted in the past 7 days. Medical treatment and counseling are provided and you can choose: medical treatment with no police involvement; medical treatment with police involvement and collection of a sexual assault exam kit ; or medical treatment with no police involvement and collection of a sexual assault exam kit and 1 year to decide if you want to report to the police.
Health Link Alberta
- 1-866-408-5465
Health Link Alberta is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service.
Highly trained registered nurses will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns that you or a member of your family may be experiencing. Health Link can also help you find appropriate services and health information
Health Upwardly Mobile Private practice Registered with College of Alberta Psychologists
- 305-320 23rd Ave SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 0J2
- 403-536-2480
Calgary counselling services centre focused on integrated care delivery for addiction, mental health, chronic pain, and more.
Healthy Minds/Healthy Children
- 403-943-7446
Healthy Minds/Healthy Children offers a variety of resources and services to support and build capacity in primary care in the area of child and adolescent mental health. Our goals are:To help children and adolescents and their families access more services closer to home To build coordination within and across health regions and First Nations in Southern Alberta (e.g. supporting referrals/discharges to/from specialized or tertiary care) To facilitate the acquisition and sharing of knowledge and skills in children’s mental health among primary care practitioners across Alberta. Services and resources include:Consultation in-office, telephone, video conference/telehealth) to primary care physicians and clinicians Case or theme based inservicing or presentations on selected topics Internet-based professional-development modules in children’s mental health Practitioners" Desk Reference to aid in efficient identification and management of children’s mental health concerns Information prescriptions on various topics in children’s mental health that practitioners can provide to their patients and clients
High Point Psychology Private practice Registered with College of Alberta Psychologists
- 259 Midpark Way SE #226, Calgary, AB, T2X 1M2
- 587-480-7490
A Calgary-based psychology practice specializing in assessment and counselling for children, adolescents, and adults.
Hinton Adult Learning Society
- 110 Brewster Drive, Hinton, AB, T7V 1B4
- 780-865-1686
Service provides a drop in where community members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can receive supports., , Service provides:,
a drop in for community members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to receive supports
, Includes:,
access to a dedicated staff person to help with all areas
hot meals
referrals to mental health and addictions programs
access to clothing and personal hygiene products
group sessions
, , Key Provider: dayspace co-ordinator, homelessness co-ordinator