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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
To find local services in your area, please use the following search tools from the menu below.
- Select your province or territory
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- Click the orange “Search Now” button to bring up results in your local community
- For online services, please select “Online” located within the listing of major towns/cities in your province/territory.
If you are a treatment provider and wish to have your facility/contact added to our Directory, please email
1103 Cities and Towns
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Heartland Health Region
- 409 Highway 4 North Rosetown SK S0L 2V0
- 1-866-268-9139
Provides nursing assessments and counselling, establishes and implements treatment plans for individuals, and provides education support, and advocacy. A community partnership model is used that may include third party arrangements with independent community services in treatment plans.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Heartland Health Region
- 409 Highway 4 North Rosetown SK S0L 2V0
- 306-882-2672 ext 2280
Prevents and minimizes the impact of developmental, emotional, and behavioural problems in children from birth to six years of age that would hinder their health and well being in later life.
The program is delivered throughout the Region in office and/or through home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Ile-a-la-Crosse SK S0M 1C0
- 306-235-4604
Provides client education on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, including one-on-one counselling, follow-up support, and home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Ile-a-la-Crosse SK S0M 1C0
- 306-235-4604
Provides detoxification services at health centres in the health region.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Ile-a-la-Crosse SK S0M 1C0
- 306-235-4604
Provides services and interventions for individuals, families, groups and communities experiencing significant distress or dysfunction related to cumulative stress, situational difficulties, or difficulties related to biochemical disorders.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Green Lake SK S0M 1B0
- 306-235-4604
Provides client education on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, including one-on-one counselling, follow-up support, and home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Dene Road La Loche SK S0M 1G0
- 306-235-4604
Provides client education on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, including one-on-one counselling, follow-up support, and home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Dene Road La Loche SK S0M 1G0
- 306-235-4604
Provides detoxification services at health centres in the health region.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- Dene Road La Loche SK S0M 1G0
- 306-235-4604
Provides services and interventions for individuals, families, groups and communities experiencing significant distress or dysfunction related to cumulative stress, situational difficulties, or difficulties related to biochemical disorders.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- 306-235-4604
Provides client education on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, including one-on-one counselling, follow-up support, and home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- 306-235-4604
Provides detoxification services at health centres in the health region.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- 306-235-4604
Provides services and interventions for individuals, families, groups and communities experiencing significant distress or dysfunction related to cumulative stress, situational difficulties, or difficulties related to biochemical disorders.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- 306-235-4604
Provides client education on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse, including one-on-one counselling, follow-up support, and home visits.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Keewatin Yatthé Health Region
- 306-235-4604
Provides services and interventions for individuals, families, groups and communities experiencing significant distress or dysfunction related to cumulative stress, situational difficulties, or difficulties related to biochemical disorders.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Kelsey Trail Health Region
- Windsor Avenue Porcupine Plain SK S0E 1H0
- 306-888-2155
Mental health services include:
Outpatient rehabilitation services, long term care
Therapy for victims of abuse
Child and youth services
Behaviour management counselling
Therapy for stress, anxiety, depression, phobia
Psychological assessment
Crisis services
Educational information.
Addictions services include:
Outpatient counselling to individuals involved in substance abuse and others affected by their usage
SGI (Saskatchewan Government Insurance) screening
Problem gambling counselling
Education and prevention programs, presentations, workshops, print and video resources, and promotional items.
Medical Social Work provides support services in the areas of acute care, long term care, emergency/outpatient department, home care, and palliative care. Support may also be provided for cancer patients receiving treatments at the local hospitals through the Community Oncology Program of Saskatchewan (COPS).
Population Health Promotion assesses health promotion needs of the community and implements programs directed towards population health promotion and disease prevention. Health educators focus on decreasing substance use and supporting mental well being.
Non-Targeted KidsFirst is a regional program focusing on prevention and early intervention for children birth – five years. Includes an in-hospital birth screen, public education, and community development.
Kelsey Trail Regional Health Authority Mental Health Central Intake services may be accessed by telephone at 306-752-8767.
Inpatient and emergency mental health services are provided at the Prince Albert Mental Health Clinic, located in the Victoria Hospital.