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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
To find local services in your area, please use the following search tools from the menu below.
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- Click the orange “Search Now” button to bring up results in your local community
- For online services, please select “Online” located within the listing of major towns/cities in your province/territory.
If you are a treatment provider and wish to have your facility/contact added to our Directory, please email
1690 Cities and Towns
Mobile Overdose Prevention Site – Fort St John
Mobile overdose prevention service provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. A customized van and insulated tent offer supervised consumption including inhalation. Also offers harm reduction s...
Mobile Supervised Consumption Services – Kamloops
Addiction & Mental Health
Supervised consumption services mobile unit provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. Provides overdose prevention and response, as well as other harm reduction services: outreach to surroundi...
Mobile Supervised Consumption Services – Kelowna
Addiction & Mental Health
Supervised consumption services mobile unit provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. Provides overdose prevention and response, as well as other harm reduction services: outreach to surroundi...
Molson (Roosevelt Hotel) Overdose Prevention Site and Lab
- Molson Bank Building, 166 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, V6A 1N4 , BC, Canada
- 604-683-0073
Overdose prevention site provides a place where people who use drugs can be safely monitored and treated immediately if they overdose. Provides safer drug use supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, ...
Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia
- 200-460 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver, BC,
- 604-873-0103
Youth Mental Health
Provides support and education for people with a mood disorder as well as their families and friends, in order to build an understanding community.
Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia (MDABC)
- 480-789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, V6C 1H2, BC, Canada
- 604-873-3095
Mental Health
Provides treatment, support, education, and hope of recovery for people living with a mood disorder or other mental illness, and their significant others. Also serves to build awareness and understanding in communities throughout the province. Self-help suppor...
MOSAIC – Stopping the Violence Counselling
- 5575 Boundary Road, Vancouver, Canada, V5R 2P9
- 236-512-6093
Mental Health Counselling
Offers individual and group counselling.
Mourning’s Dawn Counselling
- 4650 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace, Canada, V8G 1R2
- 1-877-635-6707
Mental Health Counselling
Offers individual and family general counselling services. Provides support that can include expressive play therapy and hypnotherapy and addresses issues such as grief and loss; trauma; violence; abuse; childhood issues; parenting issues; wellness; mental health issues, and addictive behaviours. Also provides individual and group counselling to First Nations individuals to address issues including the impact of generational trauma and loss on their communities.
Musqueam Indian Band – Alcohol & Drug Program
- 6735 Salish Drive, Canada, V6N 4C4
- 1-866-282-3261
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
The National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) supports Musqueam members with their substance use and help them get connected to the supports they need.
N’Quatqua Band – Family Support
- 120 Casper Charlie Place, Darcy, Canada, V0N 1L0
- 1-800-933-0323
Mental Health Counselling
Offers family general counselling services.
Nak’azdli Health Centre
- 284 Kwah Road, Fort St James, V0J 1P0, BC, Canada
- 250-996-2262
Mental Health
Services include immunizations and vaccinations, health promotion programs, home care, transportation to medical appointments, diabetes clinics, and prenatal and maternal health care. Offers the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, a Health Canada P...
Nak’azdli Whut’en – Counselling Services
- 284 Kwah Road West, Fort St James, Canada, V0J 1P0
- 250-996-7400
Mental Health Counselling
Offers confidential individual, couples and family counselling services to the Nak"azdli community.
Nakusp Family Support and Youth Services Program
- 90 5th Avenue, Nakusp, V0G 1R0, BC, Canada
- 250-265-2184
Mental Health
Youth Support Services offers individual transitional support services to youth who are, or are at risk of, becoming significantly disengaged from their families/caregivers, communities, pro-social activities, positive peers, and the education system. Family A...
Nakusp Office
- 611 Broadway Street, Nakusp, V0G 1R0, BC, Canada
- 250-265-3378
Addiction & Mental Health
Youth Substance Use Outreach Counselling provides individual and group counselling for youth with addictions. Concurrent Disorders Program provides assessment, counselling, support, consultation, and referrals for youth ages 12 to 24 with mental health and sub...
Namgis Health Centre
- 48 School Road, Alert Bay, V0N 1A0, BC, Canada
- 250-974-2736
Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Needle exchange services include distribution of clean needles, sterile water, and alcohol wipes; disposal o...