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Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre

Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre

General Information

Service Type
In person crisis services
COVID-19 (7 September 2021) Open by appointment * Food Bank operates by leaving name and phone number when calling the Food Bank Coordinator at 613-830-4347 ext 158. * For access to the other modified services, programs and contacts call 613-830-4347 or visit the website for details. Christmas program is offered for 2021 (see separate record).Community resource centre information and referral advocacy crisis intervention individual and family counselling child & youth programs support groups parenting skills community development school supplies program (see separate record for details) type 2 diabetes program speech therapy for young children volunteer coordination food bank action housing Counselling Family Services Ottawa Employment Ontario First Words LESA Doyle Salewski (financial advise) Military Families Services Contact North - Online courses Société franco-ontarienne de l"autismeEarlyON Centre: information and referrals early learning services and training playgroups Medical health team "Équipe de santé familiale communautaire de l"Est d"Ottawa" Sexual Health Clinic