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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
To find local services in your area, please use the following search tools from the menu below.
- Select your province or territory
- Scroll to your city/town
- Click the orange “Search Now” button to bring up results in your local community
- For online services, please select “Online” located within the listing of major towns/cities in your province/territory.
If you are a treatment provider and wish to have your facility/contact added to our Directory, please email
9425 109A Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 1G1
Offers industry standard drug and alcohol testing for youth at risk., , Service offers:, , industry standard drug and alcohol testing for youth at risk, which may be valuable to their families or support systems and third parties that become involved , , Includes:, , easy-to-follow instructions an explanation of how results are meant to be interpreted , , 3 levels of drug tests are available:, , Level 1 - purchased to take at home Level 2 - administered in office by qualified, same-gender staff who ensure results are officially sealed and documented for reporting to healthcare professionals, probation officers, the courts, potential employers, and other third parties Level 3 - taken and sent to a lab for further analysis and documentation and / or more specific testing ordered
9425 109A Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 1G1
Provides referrals to approved treatment centres., , Service offers:, , referrals to approved drug treatment centres , , Includes:, , determining if drug use / abuse has become an addiction making appropriate referrals assistance with obtaining funding from government or community organizations to access treatment centres
9425 109A Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T5H 1G1
Offers preventative and proactive presentations on drug awareness., , Service offers:, , preventative and proactive presentations on drug awareness and integrates a forum for discussion during the presentation
9425 109A Avenue Northwest, Edmonton, Canada, T5H 1G1
Offers group counselling (by peers) and support services to people dealing with addictions.
9425 109A Avenue Northwest, Edmonton, Canada, T5H 1G1
Offers mentoring for youth at risk through treatment and recovery.
1725 10 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T3C 0K1
Provides a program that aims to promote mental health awareness, break down the stigma of mental health, and work with teens ages 8-17 to create trauma-informed program plans that integrates the teaching family model., , Service offers:, , opportunities to engage in open conversations with the community, parents, program partners, and youth regarding mental health issues conversations via phone or Zoom, sending positive coping skills, creating a specific mental health plan
Provides confidential, non-judgmental and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress and those concerned for someone in crisis or distress.
10010 105th Street North West, Edmonton, Canada, T5J 1C4
Provides group support for anyone who is grieving a loss to suicide.Groups take place weekly on Tuesdays from 2:00pm - 3:30pm and Wednesdays from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.Problem solving groups are every two weeks on Wednesdays, 10:00am - 11:30amUPDATE FOR COVID: Support is currently provided online during COVID-19.
10045 111 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T5K 2M5
CMHA-Edmonton region is a non-profit volunteer agency. It functions as a community centre promoting mental health. It works in partnership with other community agencies to educate about mental health and illness, to advocate for better conditions in the community and to help people build strong supports for community life. Various programs include: * Community Education Program, to increase awareness and understanding about mental health and illness * Family Support Program, to support family members with mental illness * Moving Ahead Program * Challenge by Choice * Housing * Social Recreation Program
Offers group counselling (by professionals or peers) and support services to people dealing with cocaine addictions. Services available in person and virtually via Zoom.
21720 South Wilmington Avenue, Suite 304, Long Beach, AB, 90810-1641
* 12-step group for overcoming cocaine addictions * Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem, and help others to recover from their addiction. * The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances * There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self-supporting through our own contributions. * We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes. * Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom.
PO Box 1769, Cold Lake, Canada, T9M 1P4
Offers outpatient mental health treatment for individuals requiring support with mental health, addictions, alcohol and drug abuse, solvent abuse and suicide prevention strategies.UPDATE FOR COVID: The addictions counsellor will do on call or appointments via phone.
314 25 Street, Cold Lake, Canada, T9M 1G6
Offers assessment, short-term treatment (group, individual and family counselling), and referrals for adults experiencing mental health concerns.
314 25 Street, Cold Lake, Canada, T9M 1G6
Offers individual and group counselling.
314 25 Street, Cold Lake, Canada, T9M 1G6
Offers individual, group, couple and family therapy to children, youth and their families experiencing mental health concerns.