495 Cities and Towns
Envision Counselling and Support Centre – Adult Counselling
- 1120 Valley Street, Weyburn, Canada, S4A 2A5
- 306-842-8821
- http://www.envisioncounsellingcentre.com
Mental Health
Offers crisis intervention, general support, information, referrals, and ongoing counselling to individuals affected by domestic and/or family violence, as well as those affected by grief and loss, anxiety and depression, and isolation.
Envision Counselling and Support Centre – Teen Counselling
- 1120 Valley Street, Estevan, Canada, S4A 2A5
- 306-842-8821
- http://www.envisioncounsellingcentre.com
Mental Health
Offers counselling and support for adolescents who have experienced sexual assault/trauma.
EveryMind – 24/7 Crisis Response
- 416-410-8615
- https://everymind.ca/get-help/
Mental Health
Offers support for children/youth and their families who are dealing with mental health crises via telephone and/or on-site visits to the clients" home, school, or any other location in the community.
Family Adolescent Straight Talk – 24 Hour Counselling Line
- 1-888-651-5186
- http://www.familytalk.ca
Mental Health
Offers telephone counselling services to youth and families who are dealing with mental health or substance abuse problems.
Family Dynamics – Counselling
- 393 Portage Avenue, Canada, R3B 3H6
- 204-947-1401
- https://www.familydynamics.ca/services/counselling/
Mental Health
Offers counselling for individuals, families, and groups for those who wish to make positive changes in their lives.
Family Service Regina – Counselling
- 1440 Broadway Avenue, Regina, Canada, S4P 1E2
- 306-757-0133
- https://familyserviceregina.com/counselling/
Mental Health
Offers counselling for a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, and domestic violence. Walk in counselling also available.
Family Service Regina – Drop-In Support Group
- 1440 Broadway Avenue, Regina, Canada, S4P 1E2
- 306-757-6675
- http://familyserviceregina.com/abuse/
Mental Health
Offers drop-in support group for men and women who have experienced abuse in a relationship.
Family Services Ottawa – Anti-Violence Counselling
- 312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, Canada, K1Y 4X5
- 613-725-3601 ext 117
- https://familyservicesottawa.org/adults/individual-counselling/anti-violence-programs
Mental Health
Offers individual and group abuse, including intimate partner abuse, counselling to women. Provides emotional support, access to support groups, and assistance with figuring out next steps.
Finding Freedom Inc.
- 257 Riverton Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R2L 0N2
- 2046698180
- http://findingfreedom.ca
* provides support for people with, or family members of addiction and complex trauma* offers one on one counseling for all ages* offers evening support meetings, where there is live music, teaching, a kids program, and small groups (food addiction group, gambling group, womens addiction group and mens addictions group, codependency group, grief group, families of addicts group, etc.)* offers a full-time day Recovery Education program for people with Addictions and/or complex trauma, which includes classes, counselling, group therapy, life skills workshops (job skills, parenting, relationships, etc.) and activities (music, art, exercise, cooking, etc.)* offers support meetings in the women"s correctional centre* offers DVD series resources for other programs (12 Step series, Complex Trauma series, Boundaries series)offers all programming for adults and teens, and has a kids program too.
First Winnipeg SOS
- 1747 Main St, Winnipeg, MB, R2V 1Z6
- http://www.winnipegsos.com/services
offers anonymous supportive group where members share experiences, insights, information, strength, encouragement in weekly meetings in secular (non-religious) settings supports members to take responsibility for their own sobriety; there are no steps, no sponsors - only a community of like-minded individuals who are trying to remain abstinent holds support groups at various locations
First Winnipeg SOS
- 625 Osborne St, Multipurpose room, Fort Rouge Leisure Centre, Winnipeg, MB, R3L 2B3
- http://www.winnipegsos.com/services
offers anonymous supportive group where members share experiences, insights, information, strength, encouragement in weekly meetings in secular (non-religious) settings supports members to take responsibility for their own sobriety; there are no steps, no sponsors - only a community of like-minded individuals who are trying to remain abstinent holds support groups at various locations
Flin Flon Primary Health Care Centre – Tobacco Reduction Program
- 1 North Avenue, Flin Flon, Canada, R8A 1V9
- 204-687-1350
- https://northernhealthregion.com/programs-and-services/public-health/tobacco-reduction-program/
Offers individualized planning and support for people who want to reduce their smoking and vaping use.
Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre – Child Counselling
- 1150 Waverly Street, Winnipeg, Canada, R3T 0P4
- 204-477-1123
- http://fgwrc.ca/our-programs/counselling/
Mental Health
Offers counselling for children who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence. This program gives children a safe space to talk about healthy relationships, coping, anger, anxiety, self-esteem, and other topics that are important to them.
Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre – Counselling
- 1150 Waverly Street, Winnipeg, Canada, R3T 0P4
- 204-477-1123
- https://www.fgwrc.ca
Mental Health
Offers individual (one-time and ongoing) and group counselling.
Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre Inc.
- 1150 Waverley St, Unit A, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 0P4
- 2044771123
- http://www.fgwrc.ca
provides both individual counselling and group counselling for women free of charge