248 Cities and Towns
South Shore Association of Parents and Friends of People Suffering from Mental Illness – Psychosocial Intervention
- 10 Churchill Boulevard, Longueuil, Canada, J4V 2L7
- 450-766-0524
- http://apammrs.org/services-et-programmes/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling services to individuals and families dealing with mental health concerns.
St. George Addiction and Mental Health Services – Community Addiction and Mental Health Services
- 5 Riverview Avenue, St George, Canada, E5C 3M1
- 506-755-4044
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling & Mental Health Counselling
Offers individual and group mental health, gambling, and substance use counselling.
Suicide action Montréal – Ligne d’intervention
- 1-866-277-3553
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers support and counselling for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts. to their social network and to the health and social service professionals who work with them
Suicide Action Montréal – Service d’aide aux personnes endeuillées par suicide
- http://www.suicideactionmontreal.org
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling to people who have experienced a loss and are dealing with grief.
Tabacco-Free Quebec – I QUIT NOW Helpline
- 4126 Saint-Denis Street, Montréal, Canada, H2W 2M5
- 1-866-527-7383
- https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/phone-help
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers telephone assistance for those interested smoking cessation.
Tabacco-Free Quebec – I QUIT NOW Helpline
- 4126 Saint-Denis Street, Montréal, Canada, H2W 2M5
- 1-866-527-7383
- https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/phone-help
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers telephone assistance for those interested smoking cessation.
Tabacco-Free Quebec – Quit Smoking Centres
- 4126 Saint-Denis Street, Canada, H2W 2M5
- 514-948-5317
- https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/person-help
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers support and education to people who want to reduce their smoking. For the list of local centres, please visit: https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/person-help. As a result of the unusual circumstances related to COVID-19, the Quit Smoking Centres in your area could be closed. To find out the current situation in your area, please contact the Quit Smoking Centre nearest you directly.
Tabacco-Free Quebec – Quit Smoking Centres
- 4126 Saint-Denis Street, Canada, H2W 2M5
- 514-948-5317
- https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/person-help
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers support and education to people who want to reduce their smoking. For the list of local centres, please visit: https://tobaccofreequebec.ca/iquitnow/person-help. As a result of the unusual circumstances related to COVID-19, the Quit Smoking Centres in your area could be closed. To find out the current situation in your area, please contact the Quit Smoking Centre nearest you directly.
TELUS Health Care Centres – Mental Health Private practice Registered with l’Ordre des psychologues du Qu√©bec
- 600 Blvd. de Maisonneuve West, Suite 2000, Montreal, QC, H3A 3J2
- 514-787-3470
Adult Addictions
Our clinic offers innovative options such as Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for the treatment of depression, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and smoking cessation. TMS is an outpatient, drug free treatment intended for patients who are not responding to medication or unable to tolerate antidepressant medication. A Health Canada approved non-invasive therapy, TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate targeted areas of the brain involved in mood regulation.
About our Mental Health Services
We offer a different approach to mental health care. Discover accessible, timely and person-centred mental health care all under one roof. Our dedicated team of psychologists, registered counsellors and well-being advisors offer a holistic approach to mental wellbeing through a variety of services and evidence-based treatments designed to address the mental health and wellness needs of people of all ages.
The Way Out – Sex Trade Transition Program
- 514-923-7255
- https://www.lasortie.org/en/help-support/
Helplines & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers help and a support system as well as assisting women wishing to leave the sex industry in the Montreal area.
Three Oaks Foundation – Outreach Services
- P.O. Box 22162, Belleville, Canada, K8N 5V7
- 1-800-267-0533
- https://threeoaks.ca/services/outreach-services-3/
Mental Health Counselling
Provides specialized counselling for individuals who have experienced intimate partner violence or abuse.
Tobique First Nation – Day-Client Addiction Treatment Program
- 13094 Route 105, Tobique First Nation, Canada, E7H 5K1
- 506-273-5560
- http://neqotkukhealthcenter.ca/services/
Crisis Intervention & Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers a structured, coordinated and supervised outpatient substance abuse program for individuals in recovery for substance abuse.
Turcotte, Karl – Social Worker, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) approved provider, MSW Karl Turcotte TS Private practice (individual) Registered with L’Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux du Qu√©bec Registered with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
- 102b-14050 Boul. Henri-Bourassa, Québec, QC, G1G 5S9
- 418-997-0060
Adult Addictions
Services personnalisés orientés vers la recherche de solutions à vos difficultés quotidiennes.
Soutien aux personnes transgenres
Troubles de santé mentale grave
Consommation et trouble d’utilisation de substance.
Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell – Child and Family Mental Health
- 173 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, Canada, K0B 1L0
- 1-800 675-6168
- https://www.valorispr.ca/en/child-family-mental-health
Mental Health Counselling
Provides mental health services to allow children and youth to better integrate their community. Supports a comprehensive intervention approach involving family members in order to promote positive outcomes.
Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell – Child and Family Mental Health at Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell – Clarence/Rockland
- 860 Caron Street , Rockland, Canada, K4K 1H1
- 1-800-675-6168
- http://www.valorispr.ca/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers children and their families mental health services to allow them to easily integrate into society. Services include evaluations, one-on-one, family or group interventions, and specialized interventions for children who are victims of sexual aggression. Visits can be arranged at all locations in Prescott and Russell at "home base" locations such as schools or even at clients homes.