751 Cities and Towns
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
- 902-789-8323
- http://www.centralnovaarea.ca
People meet to help each other stay drug-free and learn how to live differently through a recovery program.
Their name, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), is not meant to imply a focus on any particular drug; NA’s approach makes no distinction between drugs including alcohol.
National Help Line
- 3100 Steeles Avenue, Suite 101, Halifax, NS,B3M 3Y7
- 1-800-563-5483
- https://www.liver.ca/support-programs-and-services
Provides patients and their family members with information on all forms of liver disease and referrals to community resources.
National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – Health Support Services
- Maritime Centre, 1505 Barrington Street, 18th Floor, Halifax, NS, B3J 3Y6, Canada
- 1-866-414-8111
- https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1548700698392/1548701361628
Mental Health Treatment
Mental health counselling, emotional support, community based cultural support services, and some assistance with transportation costs is available to those affected by missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Native Council of Nova Scotia – The Parenting Journey
- 129 Truro Heights Road, Canada, B2N 5N2
- 1-800-565-4372
- https://www.ncns.ca/program-services/the-parenting-journey/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers assistance and support to families who are struggling in their home environment. This program visits families in their homes and/or in other community locations and aims to work collaboratively to build meaningful helping relationships. Offers extended care services to Indigenous youth and young adults who are aging out of foster care.
Native Council of Nova Scotia – The Parenting Journey
- 129 Truro Heights Road, Canada, B2N 5N2
- 1-800-565-4372
- https://www.ncns.ca/program-services/the-parenting-journey/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers assistance and support to families who are struggling in their home environment. This program visits families in their homes and/or in other community locations and aims to work collaboratively to build meaningful helping relationships. Offers extended care services to Indigenous youth and young adults who are aging out of foster care.
Native Council of Nova Scotia – The Parenting Journey
- 129 Truro Heights Road, Canada, B2N 5N2
- 1-800-565-4372
- https://www.ncns.ca/program-services/the-parenting-journey/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers assistance and support to families who are struggling in their home environment. This program visits families in their homes and/or in other community locations and aims to work collaboratively to build meaningful helping relationships. Offers extended care services to Indigenous youth and young adults who are aging out of foster care.
Native Council of Prince Edward Island – Strengthening Aboriginal Families Effectively
- 6 FJ McAulay Court, Charlottetown, Canada, C1A 9M7
- 902-892-5314
- https://ncpei.com/safe/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers assistance and guidance to off-reserve Indigenous families who are involved or at risk of becoming involved in Child & Family Services. SAFE works with these families to develop a case plan to educate, support and strengthen the family unit to minimize the number of Indigenous children in foster care. SAFE provides several individual and family support and cultural programs, including Triple P Parenting Classes, Community Kitchen, home visits, family workshops and cultural activity sessions. Offers extended care services to Indigenous youth and young adults aging out of foster care to help break the cycle.
- 618 Francklyn Street, Halifax, NS,B3H 3B4
- 902-446-0929 ext 301
- https://hospicehalifax.ca/nav-care
Specially trained volunteers regularly visit people who are living at home with declining health that is affecting their quality of life. Volunteers develop relationships with clients and have time to listen, support decision-making, assist clients with practical things and find community resources to meet their evolving needs, with a goal to improve their quality of life.
Navy League Cadets
- 1-800-375-6289
- https://navyleague.ca
Offers youth programs which include fun and interesting activities in an environment that promotes teamwork.
Neighbours, Friends and Families Support Line
- 6169 Quinpool Road, Suite 204, Halifax, NS,B3L 4P8
- 1-855-225-0220
- https://thans.ca/friends-family-neighbours-help
Provides confidential expert advice on how to help someone you think may be in a situation of violence. The phone line is answered by trained transition house staff at THANS member organizations.
Nepisiguit Family Services – Counselling
- 219 Main Street, Bathurst, Canada, E2A 1A9
- 506-546-3305
- http://sfnepisiguit.ca/?page_id=35
Mental Health Counselling
Offers family and individual counselling, couples, victim services, anger management, sexual abuse, and community based mental health services.
Nepisiguit Family Services – Grief Counselling
- 219 Main Street, Bathurst, Canada, E2A 1A9
- 506-546-3305
- http://www.sfnepisiguit.ca
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling assistance to children faced with challenges such as grief.
New Brunswick Social Development – Moving Forward Group Program
- 551 King Street, Fredericton, Canada, E3B 1E7
- 1-866-444-8838
- https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/women/services/services_renderer.201261.Moving_Forward_Group_Program_for_Mothers_and_Children.html#serviceLocation
Mental Health Counselling
Offers a community-based, concurrent group program for children and their mothers to promote healing from the effects of abuse. Duration over the course of 10-12 weeks.
New Parent Group
- 5228 Highway 7, Suite 203, Porters Lake, NS,B3E 1J8
- 902-827-1461
- https://www.esfamily.org
The new parent group offers parents and their babies an inviting place to meet other new families in the community, receive information on parenting related topics, and easy access to other programs and support.
New Parent Support
- http://halifaxnsdss.ca
Provides telephone and/or email advice, information, and support for new parents of children with Down syndrome.