248 Cities and Towns
Chabad Lifeline – Youth Department 12 Step Addictions Group
- 4615, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Canada, H3W 1M1
- 514-738-7700
- http://www.chabadlifeline.com
Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers group counselling (by professionals or peers) and support services to people dealing with addictions.
Charlotte County Addiction and Mental Health Services – Counselling Services
- 41 King Street, St Stephen, Canada, E3L 2C1
- 506-466-7380
- https://en.horizonnb.ca/home/facilities-and-services/facilities/saint-john-community-mental-health-services/saint-john-mobile-crisis-services.aspx
Mental Health Counselling
Offers a range of services for individuals, youth, and family members affected by mental health and substance abuse. Services include counselling, referrals, and outreach services.
Children’s Mental Health Services – Live In Treatment Services
- 3 Applewood Drive, Belleville, Canada, K8P 4E3
- 1-844-462-2647
- https://www.cmhsonline.ca/live-in-treatment
Crisis Intervention
Offers residential mental health services to children and youth. Services include: 24/7 support, assessment and stabilization, counselling, and programming. Length of stay is 1-3 months.
CHU Sainte-Justine
- 3175 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC, H3T 1C5
- 514-345-4931
Youth Addictions
CHU Sainte-Justine is the largest mother and child centre in Canada and one of the four most important pediatric centres in North America. Our team of 5000 support staff and 500 doctors, dentists and pharmacists carry out their work in an environment that is both highly innovative and respectful of individuals.
CHU Sainte-Justine – Clinique d’abus sexuel
- Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Canada, H3T 1C5
- https://www.chusj.org/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling and support for children and teens who have experienced sexual assault/trauma.
CHU Sainte-Justine – Clinique d’abus sexuel
- Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Canada, H3T 1C5
- https://www.chusj.org/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling and support for children and teens who have experienced sexual assault/trauma.
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal – Virtual Group Therapy
- 514-340-8222
- https://www.jgh.ca/care-services/goldman-herzl-family-practice-centre/teenage-health-unit/virtual-group-therapy/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers virtual group counselling services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls) for youth.
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal – Virtual Group Therapy
- 514-340-8222
- https://www.jgh.ca/care-services/goldman-herzl-family-practice-centre/teenage-health-unit/virtual-group-therapy/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers virtual group counselling services using telecommunications (video conferencing, online chat, or phone calls) for youth.
Clinic Dr. Bita Private practice Registered with l’Ordre des psychologues du Qu√©bec
- 102-4999 Rue Sainte-Catherine, Westmount, QC, H3Z 1T3
- 1-514-999-2482
Youth Addictions
Multi-Award-winning clinic of psychologists, psychotherapists, & counselors.
Located in Quebec and Ontario, our team of mental health professionals are complimentary in their approach and specialties. Each of our psychologists have their own unique approach and style. This provides a diverse and enriched environment, which facilitates personal and emotional growth customized for each client.
Our goal is to restore optimal health through awareness and mindfulness. To this end, we have established seminars geared towards sharing and discussing with the public the latest, most exciting and interesting developments of mental health information.
We are one of the first clinics to embrace e-Therapy (chat sessions) and TeleCounseling (video sessions). Individuals who live too far, are too depressed to leave their home, or who are suffering from chronic pain can finally receive the help they deserve.
Special Services During Pandemics (e.g. COVID/Corona), Disasters and Related Emergencies
Clinique de Travail Social Retrouve Le Sourire Clinique de Travail Social Retrouve Le Sourire Private practice Registered with L’Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux du Qu√©bec
- 208-H-1379 Chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec, QC, G1S 2N2
- 581-578-5612
Youth Addictions
La Clinique de Travail Social Retrouve Le Sourire est un établissement privé qui offre toute une gamme de services en santé mentale et dépendance pour les enfants, les adolescents, les adultes et les personnes âgées en individuels, couples, familles et groupes. Les clients de la Clinique ont un accès aux cliniciens 7 jours sur 7. Pour une nouvelle demande de service, vous y avez habituellement une réponse dans les 24 à 48h maximum et un rendez-vous possible le jour même dans certaines situations. Les services y sont offerts en personne à la clinique, en téléconsultation et/ou à domicile.
Special Services During Pandemics (e.g. COVID/Corona), Disasters and Related Emergencies
Durant la période pandémique actuelle, les suivis en personne sont maintenus. Toutefois, pour les personnes présentant les symptômes de la COVID-19 ou celles ayant nouvellement un diagnostic, les suivis sont offerts en téléconsultation. En personne, il est important de se présenter avec votre masque.
Clinique TDAH de montreal Private practice Registered with Coll√®ge des m√©decins du Qu√©bec Registered with l’Ordre des psychologues du Qu√©bec
- 300-5130 St-Laurent, Montreal, QC, H2T 1R8
- 514-800-8324
Youth Addictions
Our clinic specializes in evaluation and treatment of ADHD in youth aged 16 and older.
CLSC Naskapi – Services aux victimes d’agression sexuelle
- http://www.cisss-cotenord.gouv.qc.ca
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling and support for individuals who have experienced sexual assault/trauma. Also offers specialized medical care for individuals who have been sexually assaulted.
Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ)
- 2170 René-Lévesque Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3H 2T8
- 514-933-4441
Youth Mental Health
The College of Physicians of Quebec is responsible for licensing of physicians in Quebec.
To help with finding a physician in Quebec, the website has a searchable directory of members.
Comité d’accueil international des Bois-Francs – Familles
- 59 rue monfette, Canada, G6p-1j8
- 819 795-3814
- https://www.caibf.ca/services
Mental Health Counselling
Offre des consultations de famille et de l"accompagnement pour les familles qui sont nouvellement arrivés au Canada.
Counselling and Family Service Ottawa – Counselling
- 310 Olmstead Street, Vanier, Canada, K1L 7K3
- 613-233-8478
- http://www.cfsottawa.ca/
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling and support for a variety of mental health issues and relational difficulties to individuals, couples, families and groups.