Kingsclear First Nation Band Office
General Information
Service Type
Addiction Counselling & Addiction Treatment & Community mental health services
Health Centre for the Kingsclear First Nation:community health nursingprenatal/postnatalmilk programprenatal classescar safetywell baby clinicsimmunization/flu shot clinicsschool age health educationchronic disease screening & education:blood pressure clinicsdiabetes screeningfootcarehome & community care nursing programclient assessmenthome care nursinghealth monitoringfootcarein-home respitehome care medical supplies & equipmentmental wellnessreferrals & information sessionsaccess to mental health nurseaccess to visiting psychiatristNNADAP (addictions) programassessment & addictions counselingreferral information for detoxreferral to treatment centrestransportation to detox/treatmentprevention (addictions) & mental wellnessprevention and early identificationinterventionafter care treatmentmental healthsolvent abuse and awarenessdentalchildren"s oral healthscreeningssealantsfluorideNIHBliason for Non-Insured Health Benefits:medical Transportation (per allowable rates)visiondentalpharmacy, medical supplies & equipmentmental healthenvironmental healthliason with environmental health officerhealthy home inspectionshealth fairselder group activitiestraditional craftscooking classesphysical activity class & educationwalking groupsnutrition/weight management