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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
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1103 Cities and Towns
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 209 1st Street West Meath Park SK S0J 1T0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 405 5th Street Kinistino SK S0J 1H0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 213 South Avenue East Hafford SK S0J 1A0
- 306-765-6055
Provides walk-in, walk-out mental health diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not need 24-hour care.
Provides free, confidential walk-in counselling services to address mental health issues. The counsellor will listen to your concerns and help you find a solution that fits best for you, which may include a referral to another agency or an appointment for further counselling.
Adult Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Anxiety and depression groups
Maternal mental health support
Consultative services
Decentralized clinics
Geriatric mental health consultation
Grief counselling (individual and group).
Child and Youth Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Cognitive Disability Strategy
Grief counseling and annual Healing Hurting Hearts Camp
School-based counselling services
Decentralized clinics
Residential Support
Child and Youth Group Services for Anxiety and Depression
Child and Youth Development Clinic.
Psychiatric Services include:
Psychiatric consultation and treatment for children and youth
Adult psychiatric treatment and assessment services
Community Mental Health Nursing and rehabilitation services
Consultative services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 213 South Avenue East Hafford SK S0J 1A0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 3 Wilson Street Birch Hills SK S0J 0G0
- 306-765-6055
Provides walk-in, walk-out mental health diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not need 24-hour care.
Provides free, confidential walk-in counselling services to address mental health issues. The counsellor will listen to your concerns and help you find a solution that fits best for you, which may include a referral to another agency or an appointment for further counselling.
Adult Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Anxiety and depression groups
Maternal mental health support
Consultative services
Decentralized clinics
Geriatric mental health consultation
Grief counselling (individual and group).
Child and Youth Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Cognitive Disability Strategy
Grief counseling and annual Healing Hurting Hearts Camp
School-based counselling services
Decentralized clinics
Residential Support
Child and Youth Group Services for Anxiety and Depression
Child and Youth Development Clinic.
Psychiatric Services include:
Psychiatric consultation and treatment for children and youth
Adult psychiatric treatment and assessment services
Community Mental Health Nursing and rehabilitation services
Consultative services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 110 McCallum Avenue Birch Hills SK S0J 0G0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 220 1st Avenue North Big River SK S0J 0E0
- 306-765-6055
Provides walk-in, walk-out mental health diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not need 24-hour care.
Provides free, confidential walk-in counselling services to address mental health issues. The counsellor will listen to your concerns and help you find a solution that fits best for you, which may include a referral to another agency or an appointment for further counselling.
Adult Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Anxiety and depression groups
Maternal mental health support
Consultative services
Decentralized clinics
Geriatric mental health consultation
Grief counselling (individual and group).
Child and Youth Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Cognitive Disability Strategy
Grief counseling and annual Healing Hurting Hearts Camp
School-based counselling services
Decentralized clinics
Residential Support
Child and Youth Group Services for Anxiety and Depression
Child and Youth Development Clinic.
Psychiatric Services include:
Psychiatric consultation and treatment for children and youth
Adult psychiatric treatment and assessment services
Community Mental Health Nursing and rehabilitation services
Consultative services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 220 1st Avenue North Big River SK S0J 0E0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 125 7th Avenue Big River SK S0J 0E0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 400 1st Street East Spiritwood SK S0J 2M0
- 306-765-6055
Provides walk-in, walk-out mental health diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not need 24-hour care.
Provides free, confidential walk-in counselling services to address mental health issues. The counsellor will listen to your concerns and help you find a solution that fits best for you, which may include a referral to another agency or an appointment for further counselling.
Adult Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Anxiety and depression groups
Maternal mental health support
Consultative services
Decentralized clinics
Geriatric mental health consultation
Grief counselling (individual and group).
Child and Youth Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Cognitive Disability Strategy
Grief counseling and annual Healing Hurting Hearts Camp
School-based counselling services
Decentralized clinics
Residential Support
Child and Youth Group Services for Anxiety and Depression
Child and Youth Development Clinic.
Psychiatric Services include:
Psychiatric consultation and treatment for children and youth
Adult psychiatric treatment and assessment services
Community Mental Health Nursing and rehabilitation services
Consultative services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 400 1st Street East Spiritwood SK S0J 2M0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 100 Dr. J. L. Spencer Drive Shellbrook SK S0J 2E0
- 306-765-6055
Provides walk-in, walk-out mental health diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not need 24-hour care.
Provides free, confidential walk-in counselling services to address mental health issues. The counsellor will listen to your concerns and help you find a solution that fits best for you, which may include a referral to another agency or an appointment for further counselling.
Adult Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Anxiety and depression groups
Maternal mental health support
Consultative services
Decentralized clinics
Geriatric mental health consultation
Grief counselling (individual and group).
Child and Youth Services include:
Individual assessment and treatment
Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Cognitive Disability Strategy
Grief counseling and annual Healing Hurting Hearts Camp
School-based counselling services
Decentralized clinics
Residential Support
Child and Youth Group Services for Anxiety and Depression
Child and Youth Development Clinic.
Psychiatric Services include:
Psychiatric consultation and treatment for children and youth
Adult psychiatric treatment and assessment services
Community Mental Health Nursing and rehabilitation services
Consultative services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- 100 Dr. J. L. Spencer Drive Shellbrook SK S0J 2E0
- 306-765-6550, Toll Free 1-855-765-6550
Provides addiction support services (including alcohol, smoking, other drugs, and problem gambling), including:
Outpatient Services:
Screening, assessment, counseling, treatment planning, support and follow-up counseling
Referrals to inpatient, self-help, and other community resources
Education, support, and counseling for people affected by someone else’s addiction
Smoking Cessation (one-on-one counselling via phone or in person).
Walk-in services available in Prince Albert.
Rural services available in Shellbrook, Spiritwood, Big River, Meath Park, Birch Hills, and Kinistino
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 601 Wright Road Moosomin SK S0G 3N0
- 1-866-367-8743
Provides mental health services to individuals affected in significant ways by mental illness, severe stress, or other problems in living.
Requests for services most commonly come from people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, eating disorders, severe stress, or adjustment difficulties.
Others seek help for problems related to abuse or violence in intimate relationships.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural mental health workers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 601 Wright Road Moosomin SK S0G 3N0
- 306-766-7800
Provides counselling for people experiencing significant distress related to their mental health and difficulty coping with day-to-day living. Offered in both urban and rural clinics.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural mental health workers.