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National Directory for Canadian Families
Youth Recovery and Treatment services
Welcome to Sober Kids’ National Directory for treatment providers and programs. We have set out listings for youth services in all major cities and towns in Canada.
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1103 Cities and Towns
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 1-866-367-8743
Targets the mental health needs of youth charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Young persons involved in the youth justice system may be referred at any time during the course of appearing in Youth Court, or after being sentenced.
Services are offered by a multi-disciplinary team and may include individual, group, and family treatment.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 1-866-367-8743
Provides mental health assessments, treatment and clinical case management for youth 11 – 18 years of age. Parents or guardians are an essential part of the treatment team. Delivers parenting programs and offers groups designed to assist youth in developing specific personal skills. Provides consultations and public presentations on the mental health needs of adolescents.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural child and youth mental health workers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 306-766-7800
Provides counselling for people experiencing significant distress related to their mental health and difficulty coping with day-to-day living. Offered in both urban and rural clinics.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural mental health workers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 1-866-367-8743
Provides direct clinical treatment, consultation, assessment and follow up for children and youth, up to age 18. They work closely with family physicians, schools and other community agencies, consulting and providing recommendations.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 1-866-367-8743
Provides addiction services, assessment, counselling and referrals in rural communities:
Adult Therapies
Youth Programs – monthly visits to various locations. Call for intake and details.
Community Education Programs
Problem Gambling Counselling.
Satellite clinics are available throughout the surrounding areas.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 178 Boundary Avenue North Fort Qu"Appelle SK S0G 1S0
- 1-866-367-8743
Provides family-centered mental health services to children up to the age of 11 years. Services include assessment, treatment and clinical case management for a range of emotional, developmental and behavioral disorders. Children and families are linked with other programs/agencies as needed.
Provides consultation for children admitted to the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (RQHR) pediatric and adolescent units. Consultation and treatment services are also provided to the rural areas within the Health Region.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural child and youth mental health workers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4321
Provides acute inpatient, day patient, and outpatient mental health programs for adults and youth.
Adult Inpatient Mental Health – 50 beds for adults experiencing severe mental health and/or addiction problems which cannot be managed in a community setting. Patients receive a number of supports including counselling and supportive therapies.
Adolescent Psychiatry Unit – for ages 11 – 18 who require intense in-hospital care. Provides a combination of one-to-one and group counselling, schooling and recreation activities.
Mental Health Day Program – offers services to patients who have had a recent crisis or feel their anxiety or depression is worsening. Helps develop skills to better manage anxiety and depression with the goal of improving overall mental health.
Adult Supportive Therapies – assesses patients to identify and support areas of functional improvement and meet goals. Builds new skills to help patient to live a healthy life after hospital stay. Helps promote empowerment, self-responsibility, and a meaningful role in life.
Recovery Support Program – provides care to adult patients during their transition from hospital care to community care; four weeks long.
Outpatient Programs – Clozaril Clinic, Injection Clinic; Outpatient Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).
Emergency Department Mental Health Service – an Emergency Psychiatric Nurse Coordinator is available to assist in individualized assessment and care of individuals who present to the Emergency Department with mental health or addiction concerns.
Visit website for contact and unit information for each service.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4944
Psychiatrists can admit youth ages 11 – 18 for crisis stabilization, assessment, and treatment. The team includes nurses, a child life worker, and a psychologist, with access to social workers and dietitians. A teacher from the Regina Public Schools work with youth in a classroom near the unit. The Adolescent Psychiatry Unit works closely with Child and Youth Services to provide a smooth transition from inpatient to outpatient services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-3798
An open support group for friends and family of someone who is struggling with mental illness.
Located in the Regina General Hospital in the OD, Exercise Room (basement level – off 15th Avenue entrance).
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-3798
An open support group for anyone with depression, anxiety, or bipolar illness.
Located in the Regina General Hospital in the OD, Supportive Therapies Group Room (basement level – off 15th Avenue entrance).
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4155
Using the wellness model, Native Health Services assists clients in finding and maintaining a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. Provides an alternative for clients seeking traditional Aboriginal approaches to health care by responding with an awareness of cultural and spiritual diversity. Facilitate healing, prayer, teaching and other assistance required to maintain wellness in the individual and the community.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4218
Provides family-centered mental health services to children up to the age of 11 years. Services include assessment, treatment and clinical case management for a range of emotional, developmental and behavioral disorders. Children and families are linked with other programs/agencies as needed.
Provides consultation for children admitted to the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (RQHR) pediatric and adolescent units. Consultation and treatment services are also provided to the rural areas within the Health Region.
Rural residents may access Regina-based programs that are not available in the rural areas through one of the rural child and youth mental health workers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4218
Provides assessment and diagnosis for clients, ages 6 – 24 who are from the five southern health regions in Saskatchewan. These individuals are suspected of having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD). The team completes special assessments that provide a pediatrician with the information needed to make a diagnosis of FASD, or a diagnosis of other complex disorders, such as Autism, for which no services currently exist. Provides suggestions for treatments, adaptations, planning for care in the long term and helpful hints for caregivers.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4218
Consultation with child and youth psychologists and psychiatrists is available to the five southern health regions in Saskatchewan. Services are available through office visits or Telehealth.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region
- 1440 14th Avenue Regina SK S4P 0W5
- 306-766-4218
Provides early treatment to adolescents and young adults up to age 30 who may be experiencing psychosis. Provides intense services to people experiencing certain symptoms, which may be the beginning of a psychotic illness, and to those who have had their first episode of psychosis.