4003 Cities and Towns
Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services
- 401 Cedar St S, Timmins, ON, P4N 2H7
- 7053608619
- https://www.kunuwanimano.com
Support Groups
Provides individual or group counselling for children, youth and adults Provides community presentations, mutual support groups, parenting and other support programs Provides follow-up services such as aftercare counselling and post-treatment programming Provides referral services to local and outside service providers including treatment and healing centers, co-dependency programs, physical and sexual abuse programs and other agencies that provide mental health services such as assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental and mood disorders Provides referral services for local children"s aid societies as a means of assisting with plan of care requests
Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services – Counselling Services
- 38 Pine Street North, Timmins, Canada, P4N 6K6
- 1-800-461-1293
- http://www.kunuwanimano.com
Mental Health Counselling
Offers individual and group counselling.
KW Counselling Services
- 12 Water St S, Cambridge, ON, N1R 3C5
- 5198840000
- www.ok2bme.ca
Support Groups
This group provides facilitated support, social and leadership opportunities for youth. This youth group is a collaboration between the OK2BME program at KW Counselling Services, Idea Exchange and the City of Cambridge. The group is facilitated by trained, supportive, LGBTQ2+ and allied professionals.
Kwasniewski, Elizabeth – Registered Psychotherapist, M.A., CCC Ottawa Counselling Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
- 304-1105 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4G5
- 613-302-1573
Adult Addictions
I offer individual therapy and counselling sessions, at my private Ottawa office, tailored to help adult clients aged 18 and older close the gap between where they are right now and where they want to be in the future.
Counselling include:
• deal with feelings of grief/loss
• face relationship difficulties
• facilitate personal growth
• handle change and life transitions
• improve communication/interpersonal skills
• manage stress, burnout, and anxiety
• overcome Internet addiction
• rebuild self-esteem
• recover from post-traumatic reactions and disorders
• get out of crisis
• change self-destructive behaviours
• calm or shift emotions
• find solutions
• establish a stronger sense of self
La Clé
- 63 Main St, Penetanguishene, ON, L9M 1S8
- https://lacle.ca
Community Mental Health Centers
Provides mental health assessment and counselling for children and youth (and their families and caregivers) who are experiencing social, emotional and behavioural issues. Stress, anxiety and other awareness workshops are also available. Counsellors will travel to the most appropriate location to do assessments and deliver services. This could be at the child"s school, home or care centre.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Black Tickle Community Clinic
- Black Tickle, Canada
- 709-938-7523
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Charlottetown Community Clinic
- Charlottetown, Canada
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Labrador South Health Centre
- Forteau, Canada
- 709-931-2450
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Port Hope Simpson Community Clinic
- Port Hope Simpson, Canada
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.
Lakeridge Health – Child, Youth and Family Program (CYFP) Program/Service of : Lakeridge Health Network
- 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, ON, L1G 2B9
- 905-576-8711
Youth Addictions
The Child, Youth and Family Program provides service for families in Durham Region who are managing a child or adolescent"s acute mental health issues. Services are for children and youth ages 5-18.
The program is short-term, with the aim to optimize the well being and functioning of children and adolescents experiencing acute mental disorders. The program"s multidisciplinary team includes Child and Youth workers, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and psychometrics.
Lakeridge Health – Durham Mental Health Services
- 519 Brock St S, Whitby, ON, L1N 4K8
- http://www.dmhs.ca
Crisis lines & In person crisis services & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Crisis Services telephone support toll free, 24 hours per day, to support individual in crisis and/or their supports crisis videoconference community visit by our mobile crisis team can be arranged to support individual in their preferred environment follow-up support, including linkage and referral to other community supports, also availableCrisis Beds short-term stays in our crisis beds available for individuals experiencing a crisis and are in need of individualized support in a safe, supportive setting away from their present situationMental Health Safe Beds short-term residential crisis beds for individuals living with mental health problems, who are in contact with the justice system safe alternative (where appropriate) to incarceration or hospitalization
Lakeridge Health Network
- 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, ON, L1G 2B9
- 905-576-8711
Youth Addictions
Lakeridge Health Network offers various health services including mental health and addictions services, over various sites.
Sites include:
* Lakeridge Health Bowmanville (with Emergency Department)
* Lakeridge Health Oshawa (with Emergency Department)
* Lakeridge Health Port Perry (with Emergency Department)
* Lakeridge Health Whitby
Lakeridge Health Oshawa
- 300 Centre St S, Oshawa, ON, L1H 4B2
- http://www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca
Crisis lines & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Mental health, substance abuse and problem gambling treatment services 24-hour crisis telephone support
Lakeridge Health Oshawa
- 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, ON, L1G 2B9
- http://www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/en/ourservices/daytreatmentprogram.asp
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 - Offering telephone counselling and a modified Virtual Group Program, no in-person groups at this time group therapy to support adult clients whose primary diagnosis or presenting problem is mood disorder intensive group treatment for those that have experienced significant psychiatric difficulties in their social, occupations, and/or family relationships program is voluntary, time-limited and primarily intended for those transitioning from the Inpatient Mental Health Program or who have recently received treatment from the Crisis Intervention Team
Lakeridge Health Oshawa
- 118 Cochrane St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5H8
- http://www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Residential and day treatment options for women with substance abuse issues