4003 Cities and Towns
Ottawa. City Operations
- 370 Catherine St, 1st Flr, Ottawa, ON, K1R 5T5
- https://ottawa.ca/en/family-and-social-services/financial-and-social-assistance#section-012841a6-3293-4b7f-b3e0-2ae420a051c7
In person crisis services
Accessible space offering access to municipal, financial and social services including community agency supports, along with service navigation, crisis support and warm referrals.Residents can access: Walk-in and scheduled appointments for services Safe and warm resting space and seating Washrooms Charging stations Public computers Wi-Fi TelephonesThe following services will be offered on-site: Crisis support and referrals to community services Financial and social assistance Ontario Works Ontario Disability Support Program Essential Health & Social Support Child care fee subsidy application support Housing support and referrals Employment services (Employment Ontario) Somerset West Community Health Centre support staff
Ottawa. City Operations
- Headquarters; 474 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON, K2P 2J6
- https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/about-us/human-trafficking.aspx
Crisis lines
Team of specialized officers available to meet on a confidential and informal basis with individuals, families or frontline workers on potential cases or for information sharing
Ottawa. City Operations
- 474 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON, K2P 2E6
- https://www.ottawapolice.ca/fr/reports-and-requests/victim-support-unit.aspx
In person crisis services
Early intervention and crisis intervention needs assessment safety planning referrals to community services enhanced support for vulnerable victims reference to VQRP+Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) -- assistance with emergency expenses related to the incident, including home safety, accommodation, meals, transportation, basic necessities, dependent care costs, counselling, traditional Indigenous health services, cellular phones, vision care, dental care, aids for victims with disabilities, interpretation services, crime scene cleanup, government/medical documents and funeral expenses additional assistance for victims of human trafficking includes storage locker, tattoo removal, and treatment at a recovery facility no direct reimbursement to victims for support listed above financial support also available for victims who sustained serious physical injuries during a crime and for parents of child homicide victims and spouses of homicide victims
Our Lady of Guadalupe Home of Windsor
- 591 Alexandrine St, Windsor, ON, N8X 3B8
- 5199624861
- https://www.ologhome.com/
Support Groups
Provides residential support and counsel to women in crisis, throughout their pregnancy and after (up to a year). Support includes supporting the women as they: learn parenting skills and child development Plan for and work towards short-term and long-term goals. Continue education and train for job skills. Learn basic living skills. Engage in personal growth. Reintegrate themselves and their children back into society
Out of Bounds
- 79 Gosford Blvd, Unit 6, Toronto, ON, M3N 2G9
- 6477245114
- www.outofboundsjf.org
Support Groups
Empowering witnesses, survivors, families and communities of violent deaths * Provides culturally responsive, compassionate, non-denomination "mutual peer support" for youth individuals, families and communities in the following capacities:individual grief supportmonthly Group support - youth, mothers, families and residents of all ages (gender inclusive)response to community crisis, with focus on trauma and gun-violent deathstrauma-focused training on the Introductory, Intermediary and Advanced levelsprovide certificates on completion of trainingconsultation and post-crisis intervention to all agessupport before, during and after funeralsmentorship for youth of all ethnicityrestorative justice groups and presentations
Outreach Support Services of Niagara (OSSN)
- 449 Thorold Road, Welland, ON, L3C 3W7
- 905-988-5748
Youth Addictions
A non-profit agency with an office in Welland providing mental health counselling services to clients living in the Niagara Region.
Ovarian Cancer Canada
- National Office and Ontario Regional Office, 145 Front St E ; Suite 205, Toronto, ON, M5A 1E3
- 1-877-413-7970
- https://www.ovariancanada.org
Support groups
Support women affected by ovarian cancer and their familiesawarenessphone and online support groupsinformation
Ovarian Cancer Canada
- 145 Front St E, Suite 205, Toronto, ON, M5A 1E3
- ovariancanada.org
Support Groups
Supports women and their families living with ovarian cancer * raises awareness in general public and with health care professionals * funds research to develop reliable early detection techniques, improved treatments and a cureBilingual website offers information, local support groups, online groups and education
Overeaters Anonymous
- Eastminster United Church, 423 Bridge St E, Belleville, ON, K8N 1R1
- www.oa.org
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
A support group for people with eating disorders Patterned after the 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous Meet weekly No dues No fees No diets No scales... only solutions for binging, overeating, starving or purging.
Overeaters Anonymous
- 5058912664
- https://oa.org/
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Self-help group for people who go on eating binges, obsess about food or weight, starve themselves or have difficulties with weight or body-image 12 Step Program members take turns leading meetings weight loss includes mental and spiritual aspects
Overeaters Anonymous
- Faith Christian Reformed Church (meeting location); 2265 Mountainside Dr, Burlington, ON, L7P 1B6
- www.oaontario.org
Support Groups
A 12-step program for compulsive overeaters or food addicts that is modelled on the Alcoholics Anonymous program
* offers closed meetings for those who have, or think they have, a problem with food
Overeaters Anonymous
- Meeting location - Living Faith Church (rear entrance); 112 Hurontario St, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 2L8
- https://oa.org
Support Groups
COVID-19 ResponseDue to COVID-19 restrictions, the group is not meeting in person until further notice. Group is meeting by Zoom; call or text to get link to meeting. Regular ServiceSupport group for those suffering from compulsive overeating. Meets once a week.
Overeaters Anonymous
- https://www.oaontario.org/meetings
Support Groups & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
COVID-19 UpdateMeetings are currently being held online via Zoom, see Virtual Meetings for dates and timesRegular ServiceSupport group for those suffering from compulsive overeating, based on the 12 step program in-person and virtual meetings available for a list of Virtual Meetings go to Virtual Meetings for a list of in-person meetings go to In-person Meetings
Overeaters Anonymous
- St. Paul"s Centre, 62 Peter St N, Way Inn Room (Basement), Orillia, ON, L3V 4Z1
- oa.org
Support Groups
A 12 step program for compulsive food disorders such as: bingeing overeating addiction anorexia bulimiaAll calls are confidential and anonymous.
Overeaters Anonymous
- Trillium United Church, 415 Linwell Rd, St Catharines, ON, L2M 2P3
- https://www.oaontario.org
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
A volunteer-run program similar to alcoholics anonymous. Regular online meetings for those who desire to stop compulsive eating disorders including; overeating, anorexia nervosa and bulimia.