4003 Cities and Towns
Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Parents
- 12 Dysart Ave, Haliburton, ON, K0M 1S0
- https://www.pointintime.ca/youth/haliburton-youth-wellness-hub/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID-19 - The drop-in is running as reduced capacity. (10 youth in the upstairs space). Call or text to register no earlier than the day before, no later than 11 am on the day of. Services are being offered via telephone or video conferencing technologies at this time. Continue to offer full array of services, and are able support new and existing clients. Mask and complete screening required upon entry into the building.All external partners and service providers are asked to show proof of double vaccination or negative rapid test (within 48 hours)Provides an inclusive and welcoming space for all youth aged 12-25 in the community to build resilience, protective factors and give youth a place to belong and to call their own.Services and Supports available at the Youth Hub include: mental health & addictions peer support primary care, sexual health, and trans positive health care care coordination employment & vocational supports, including The Lift Program (Individual Placement and Support) income supports & housing help other responsive services as needs ariseProvides transportation services.
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services
- 27 Roncesvalles Ave, Suite 407, Toronto, ON, M6R 3B2
- https://www.polycultural.org
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 -- all offices are open for appointments; services are offered remotely over the phone, zoom, email ------------- -------------- -------------Settlement Services orientation, information, assessment and referral supportive counselling -- youth, adults, families problem gambling counselling for Polish, Russian and Urdu-speaking communities employment and educational counselling commissioner for taking affidavits Housing Connections (see separate entry) Community Partner -- assistance with housing search and application processPAR Program (Partner Assault Response Program) for Polish or Russian speakers, offenders 18 years and older, ordered by the court to attend the program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence 12 week group education and counselling program on domestic violence and non-abusive ways of resolving conflict victims/partners of the offender provided with support including safety planning, referrals to community resources, and information on offender"s progress
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services
- 3363 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, M8X 1G2
- https://www.polycultural.org
In person crisis services & Support Groups
COVID19 -- all offices are open for appointments; services are offered remotely over the phone, zoom, email------------- -------------- -------------Settlement Services orientation, information, assessment and referral supportive counselling for youth, families and women employment and educational counselling commissioner for taking affidavits sessions on housing, education, health care, social assistance, legal assistance, immigration, citizenship, professional licensing and job searchCrisis Counselling confidential short-term counselling for youth, adults or families experiencing a crisis situation related to adjusting to life in Canada, mental health, intimate partner violence, substance misuse, trauma, interpersonal problems, parenting or other situationCommunity Connections Program group activities for newly arrived immigrants and refugees of all ages to help orient them to their new community and establish social and professional networks trained and experienced volunteer mentors assist, with focus on citizenship and civic engagement or skills and career developmentParticipates in LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) in English, upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto -- see separate entry full time classes childminding for children 19 months-5 years while parents attend classesMulticultural Women"s Wellness Program women experiencing mental health struggles and stresses can meet, socialize, share experiences, network, learn and stay active; offered in partnership with Canadian Mental Health Association My Pathways to Employment five-week online course for Ontario Works recipients struggling to find jobs or facing multiple complex barriers to employment. after assessment, participants join a 80-hour pre-employment development workshop that includes career exploration and employment skills development after workshop, participants have post-hiring support for six months. Transition to Employment for Newcomers for newcomers including internationally trained professionals and tradespeople individual coaching, linking to resources, and employment workshops
Pope, Kenneth C. – LL.B, TEP KPopelaw Private practice (individual)
- 251 Bank Street, Suite 600 & 608, Ottawa, ON, K2P 1X3
- 613-567-9724
Youth Addictions
Kenneth C. Pope is an Ottawa-based lawyer with a province-wide practice devoted to wills, trusts, estate planning and disability issues. Popular questions/concerns addressed include: 1) How can ODSP payments be increased? 2) How can a child with a disability become eligible for ODSP? 3) How can families benefit from the Disability and Caregiver Tax Credits and take advantage of the 10-year backfiling provision and recover up to $15,000? 4) How can I provide for a special needs child after I am gone?
4) How can a disabled person on ODSP have money without being suspended from benefits? RDSP, trusts, etc.
Poplar Hill First Nation
- Health Clinic, Poplar Hill First Nation, ON, P0V 3E0
- http://poplarhill.firstnation.ca
Crisis lines & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides crisis intervention services in community crisis situations and to individuals affected by family violence and suicide Offers immediate on site or telephone assistance Dispatches call to police when deemed necessary Ensures victims receive support and assistance to secure their safety Arranges meeting family members at centre or agreed upon location to discuss possible crisis resolutionsAlso coordinates: Crisis plan to follow in response to suicide intervention, domestic violence intervention and any other form of crisis situations that may arise in community Information sessions and workshops on techniques for healing strategiesSupport ServicesSupports can include but are not limited to: Debriefing and stabilization following crisis situation Advocacy on behalf of individuals and families dealing with various agencies Meal preparation, transportation, homemaking and other areas requiring support for families in crisis situations such as the suicide of a youth Information about/referrals to appropriate resources and services
Porchlight Counselling and Addiction Services
- 18 Walnut St, Cambridge, ON, N1R 2E7
- https://porchlightcnd.org/
Support Groups
Individual and group counselling
Port Cares
- 92 Charlotte St, Port Colborne, ON, L3K 3E1
- https://www.portcares.ca
In person crisis services
Provides a wide range of services on an individual case basis including: advocacy assistance with domestic abuse situations addictions emergency food crisis situations transportation may offer financial assistance for emergency medical need offer referrals for education and employment Canadian Tire Jumpstart ProgramThe Housing Help services includes: information for landlords and tenants assisting clients and landlords with housing clients supports in maintaining housing and transitional housing moving forward program and information on rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenantsOther services include: Koats for Kids Give a Gift, Adopt-A-Family at Christmas Back Packs for Back to SchoolUtility Assistance: Provides intake for the Niagara Emergency Energy Fund (NEEF) and the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) for emergency financial assistance for low income households facing disconnection (gas or hydro).Offers confidential one-on-one service to clients and refer when required. All services are free of charge.
Positive Living Niagara
- 120 Queenston St, St Catharines, ON, L2R 2Z3
- https://www.positivelivingniagara.com
In person crisis services & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID-19: Fully operational. No drop-ins accepted at this time. Call ahead to book an appointment. Supports for people affected by or infected with HIV/AIDS * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services Provides: education through the delivery of workshops, education sessions, resources and materials, speakers, peer education services referral to qualified medical, dental, mental health and legal services crisis intervention support groups friendly visiting counselling services community outreach caregiver support supportive housing 24 hr, case management, "to-your-door" home supports for community residents immigrant/refugee, migrant worker, newcomer assistance, families, singles, or couples StreetWorks-needle exchange Safe Injection Site Naloxone training volunteer groups providing fundraising events Public Health Nurse available Monday afternoons for HIV, Hep C and STI testing as well as wound care On-site rapid HIV testing Tuesday mornings * Testing services also include Hep C, STI and pregnancy testing and teaching * Also provides wound and abscess care services * Tuesday afternoons a Hepatitis C Outreach Worker is available for education and referrals to the Hepatitis C Care Clinic
Positive Spaces Initiative (PSI)
Youth Mental Health
Resources to increase capacity of organizations to more effectively serve LGBTQ newcomers. An initiative of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI).
Postpartum Support International
- http://www.postpartum.net/get-help/locations/international/canada
Community Mental Health Centers
Telephone support, information and referrals for women and families coping with a postpartum mood disorder online chat and support groups online resources including information on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, educational materials and discussion tool, and links to resources in other languages
Precious Minds Support Services
- https://preciousminds.com
Support Groups
Support to individuals who have developmental disabilities and their families programming for children, youth, and adults - skills for life, social skills, friendship, and community swimming, exercise, and weekly bowling group summer camps parent support groups, resource library, information sessions, family days adult day program
Pregnancy and Family Care Centre of Quinte West
- 100 Division St., Unit 2, Quinte West, ON, K8v 4W8
- https://pfcqw.ca/
Support Groups
Agencies programs and services include: Free pregnancy tests and option information Peer mentoring and support Baby SuppliesClasses include: Parenting Program - includes development information, health & nutrition, infant first aid & CPR LEAD program - assist women with strengthening self esteem, relations, boundary and communication Grandmother"s Heart - volunteer program to assist at your home after birth Post Abortion Care - program to assist with emotions and self care after an abortion
Pregnancy Care and Family Support Centre
- 187 Highland St, Units 8 and 10, Haliburton, ON, K0M 1S0
- https://www.haliburtonpregnancycentre.ca/
Support Groups
Provides information and support to families and those who are affected by an unexpected pregnancy and/or the realities of parenting.Offers parenting programs and supportProvides information: free pregnancy tests options information for those facing an unexpected pregnancy assistance in obtaining maternity and baby clothing infant supplies post-abortion support referrals to appropriate community resources
Pregnancy Centre (The)
- 177 McDougald St, Sault Ste Marie, ON, P6A 3A9
- https://algomapregnancy.com/
Crisis lines
Offers physical, emotional and spiritual support to women and men with pregnancy, parenting and post abortion concerns Offers free and confidential pregnancy testing with results available in minutes Provides options counselling and information on pregnancy, parenting, adoption and abortion Provides a 9-11 week post-abortion support program including peer counselling Operates the care closet which provides used baby clothes at no charge Provides used maternity clothes Provides support and resources needed during pregnancy and after birth Operates the Baby Boutique Organizes the Pregnancy and Parenting Education Program
Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham
- 29 Drew St, Oshawa, ON, L1H 4Z7
- http://www.pregnancyhelp.ca
Crisis lines
Immediate 24-hour telephone assistance Christian ministry staffed by trained volunteers that provides support to individuals and families affected by pregnancy confidential