4003 Cities and Towns
Renfrew County Ostomy Support Group
- 85 Sullivan Point Rd, Pembroke, ON, K8A 6W2
- renfrewcountyostomy.ca
Support Groups
Organization made up of ostomates and their supporters volunteer-run support, education, advocacy and collaboration semi-annual meetings of ostomates and their families works with partners to schedule clinics run by Nurses Specializing in Wounds, Ostomies and Continence (NSWOC) telephone support available to answer questions, provide support and refer patients to ostomate services
Renfrew Victoria Hospital
- 499 Raglan St N, Renfrew, ON, K7V 1P6
- https://www.renfrewhosp.com/regionalassaultcareprogram
In person crisis services
Individualized health care and forensic nursing services for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, child maltreatment or elder abuse promotes client self-determination addresses physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needsCare options may include: emotional support physical exam and treatment of injuries testing and preventative medications for sexually transmitted infections pregnancy prevention safety plans collection of evidence (for individuals choosing to report to the police, evidence can also be frozen to give time to decide on reporting) referrals to counseling and other community services follow-up health care scheduled appointments for clients who don"t require emergency servicesCommunity based program to address caregiver distress, caregiver crisis and abuse of older adults.Emergency housing program for abused seniorsServices provided across Renfrew County at all five hospitals
Réseau francophone de soutien professionnel
- 1001 Queen Street West, Unit 1 B10, Toronto, ON, M6J 1H4
- 416-535-8501
Youth Mental Health
Welcome to Réseaufranco, a unique web resource for addiction and mental health primary care professionals serving francophone communities across Ontario. This site will offer you: general information on addiction and mental health issues, treatment options and available programs, as well as materials for use with your clients, their families and other healthcare professionals.
Résidence Angelik
- 1062 Route 800 E, Casselman, ON, K0A 3C0
Community Mental Health Centers
Long-term living facility 10 private beds monthly in-residence visit from a physician 24-hour supervision medication management personal care assistance nutritious meals and snacks indoor and outdoor activities socialization
Résidence Servant
- 1063 Notre-Dame St, Russell, ON, K0A 1W0
Community Mental Health Centers
Residence supporting autonomous and vulnerable individuals with mental health problems 24 hour supervision capacity of 22 residents meals medications medical appointments activities snacks
Residential Program Program/Service of : New Path Youth and Family Services of Simcoe County
- 165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1
- 705-725-7656
Youth Addictions
This service is for youth 11-18 years experiencing significant social, emotional and behavioural problems, who require an intensive 24 hour therapeutic setting in a rural setting. The residential placement is considered after other community based interventions have been attempted and families are expected to be involved in ongoing service. Services Include: Residential treatment in one of two 24-hour staffed 6-bed homes, Individual and family counselling, Group counselling, Specialized classrooms staffed by teachers and mental health workers, Recreational activities, Psychiatric and psychological consultation, Service coordination with other agencies, Support after discharge.
Resilience Huron Perth Mental Health
- 540 Huron St, Stratford, ON, N5A 5T9
- https://resiliencehp.ca/
Support Groups & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
People with mental illness operate meaningful programs and activities to develop a strong network of peer friendships. Activities include weekly support group meetings, recreational and social activities. Program in Huron County is sponsored by CMHA and by Phoenix Survivors in Perth County, see separate entry for details.
Resilience Huron Perth Mental Health Services – Court Support
- 540 Huron Street, Canada, N5A 5T9
- 519-273-1391
- https://resiliencehp.ca/our-services
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers court support services to individuals with mental health challenges who come into conflict with the law. Services include consultation, case management through criminal justice system, planning for release, and more.
Resilience Huron Perth Mental Health Services – Court Support
- 540 Huron Street, Canada, N5A 5T9
- 519-273-1391
- https://resiliencehp.ca/our-services
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers court support services to individuals with mental health challenges who come into conflict with the law. Services include consultation, case management through criminal justice system, planning for release, and more.
Resilience Huron Perth Mental Health Services – Court Support
- 540 Huron Street, Canada, N5A 5T9
- 519-273-1391
- https://resiliencehp.ca/our-services
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers court support services to individuals with mental health challenges who come into conflict with the law. Services include consultation, case management through criminal justice system, planning for release, and more.
Resolution Psychology Private practice Registered with College of Psychologists of Ontario
- 1400-18 King Street East, Toronto, ON, M5C 1C4
- 647-947-5922
Adult Addictions
Resolution Psychology is committed to using evidence-based approaches to psychotherapy and assessment to collaboratively work with clients to meet their goals and create lasting change in their lives.
We have expertise in:
Body image
Interpersonal relationships
Who Benefits:
At Resolution Psychology we take a holistic approach to mental health. This means that we focus on creating mental wellness and a sense of flourishing rather than just reducing symptoms.
We help our clients:
Improve their sense of wellbeing
Build meaningful relationships
Learn to cope with life’s challenges
Achieve their life goals
Special Services During Pandemics (e.g. COVID/Corona), Disasters and Related Emergencies
Virtual services
Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth – Durham Region
- 865 Westney Rd S, Ajax, ON, L1S 3M4
- https://www.rfecydurham.com
Support Groups
Programs for children and youth with special needs programs in child/youth mental health including support to Talking About Mental Illness (TAMI) Coalition learning events resource library with books and videos available to clients and the communityEarly Learning Inclusion Consultants support inclusion and capacity building in early learning and care sector enhanced staffing support to licensed child care centresCoordinated Service Planning supports individuals with multiple/complex needs up to 18 years of age and youth between 18 and 21 years of age if still in school supports include development and monitoring of service plan, service navigation, team meeting facilitationFASD (Fetal alcohol Spectrum Disorder) Coordinator - see separate listingCoordination Services for Children and Youth - see separate listing
Respect in Schools Everywhere (RISE) Program
- 1200 Markham Road, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M1H 3C3
- 416-438-3697
Youth Mental Health
The RISE Program is an intensive youth-led school based violence prevention program for grades 7-12 focusing on bullying, cyber-bullying, dating violence and harassment.
The program is an initiative of East Metro Youth Services in Toronto.
- 112 Merton Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 2Z8
- 416-322-6317
Youth Mental Health
Coordinates network of agencies interested in building a more comprehensive, accessible system of respite care for persons with developmental disabilitiesAccess Facilitators -- work directly with families of individuals with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities or autism to connect them with respite opportunitiesCHAP (Community Helpers for Active Participation) Program -- connects individuals with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities or autism with support workers through a family registry and worker database * information on community respite services * workshops
Responsible Gambling Council
- Elements Casino Brantford, 40 Icomm Dr, Brantford, ON, N3S 7S9
- https://www.playsmart.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
The centre is the go-to place for facts, tools, and advice about gambling information about how gambling works with interactive demos, activities, and brochures space to take a break from gambling someone to talk to about gambling related questions or concerns information about help options and about OLG"s My PlayBreak program