4003 Cities and Towns
Salvation Army, Community and Family Services
- 2152 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, M9W 4K9
- https://salvationarmy.ca/
Support Groups
Emergency material assistance food, clothing, household effects as available counselling and referrals support program for newcomers moms support group seniors group Christmas assistance program residential summer camp for children
Salvation Army, Greater Toronto Housing and Homelessness Supports
- 78 Admiral Rd, Toronto, ON, M5R 2L6
- http://www.salvationarmyhomestead.org
Addiction Treatment
Community based day treatment and residential treatment programs, including comprehensive assessment and treatment planning, pre-treatment support, case management, individual and group counselling, addiction education, nicotine and opioid replacement therapies, life skills classes, fitness and nutrition, relapse prevention classes and groups, community referrals, aftercare program 6-10 week individualized programs trauma informed care and strength-based perspective spiritual care
Salvation Army, Greater Toronto Housing and Homelessness Supports
- 160 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON, M5B 2E1
- http://www.torontoharbourlight.ca
Community Mental Health Centers & Addiction Treatment
Trauma-informed care, residential and community treatment programsResidential Treatment ProgramIncludes individual and group counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, relapse prevention, life skills classes, smoking cessation support, family support, discharge and continuing care planning, and spiritual awarenessCommunity Treatment ProgramIncludes individual and group counselling, relapse prevention, life skills classes, smoking cessation support, pre-treatment support, continuing care
Salvation Army, Greater Toronto Housing and Homelessness Supports
- Alice M Walter House, 2085 Ellesmere Rd, Toronto, ON, M1H 2W6
- http://www.torontoharbourlight.ca
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment
Community based day treatment and residential treatment programs, including comprehensive assessment and treatment planning, pre-treatment support, case management, individual and group counselling, addiction education, nicotine and opioid replacement therapies, life skills classes, fitness and nutrition, relapse prevention classes and groups, community referrals, aftercare program 6-10 week individualized programs supportive housing program (capacity 27) trauma informed care and strength-based perspective spiritual care
Salvation Army, The, Hope Acres Addictions and Rehabilitation Centre
- 998614 Mulmur-Tosorontio Townline, Glencairn, ON, L0M 1K0
- 705-466-3435
Adult Addictions
A long-term residential treatment facility for men with a substance abuse problem. This program caters to the whole man with physical, mental, social and spiritual rehabilitation.
The program includes individual and group counselling, addiction-education classes, anger management, communication classes, grief and loss classes, relapse prevention classes, work therapy, training in work-related skills, worship services and Bible study, literacy and life skills classes, computer literacy classes, and AA meetings (open to public).
Hope Acres provides intake screening, and long term residential and continuing care for 36 men.
Samuels, Samantha – Registered Psychotherapist, MEd, Counselling Psychology University of Toronto Samantha I. Samuels Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
- 2338 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, ON, L5B 1N1
Youth Addictions
As we journey through life, unfair things happen. The painful memories create a sense of burden and influence future expectations. While we can"t change the past, it is under our control to change the way we look at what happened. As challenging events and relationships unfold, we can control how we respond. We do this by becoming more aware of automatic negative reactions and replacing them with healthier thoughts, feelings and behaviours. My goal as a Psychotherapist is to help you identify and transcend elements of your life story that keep you trapped in a cycle where the same types of people and situations continually recur.
The first step in healing is recognition that your past may be influencing you in ways that you may not even understand. You may have self-limiting beliefs and feel that you are "stuck." Regardless of what happened, it is never too late to let go of your suffering, to transform your life and embrace a future filled with things that seem out of reach.
Special interests include emotional difficulties due to: mood disorders, abuse, untreated trauma, racialized trauma, academic/career/workplace issues, chronic illness, disabilities, discrimination, oppression and legal system involvement. It is my role to create a safe space for you to begin the transformative process of rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
Fee is $160/ session. Sliding scale is available
Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region
- https://www.sandgate.ca
Crisis lines & In person crisis services & Support Groups
COVID19 Emergency shelter and crisis line open, call 1-800-661-8294 Emergency shelter and 24 hour crisis line and crisis intervention, including support, counselling, advocacy, information and referral, legal information and court support, women"s groups including transition support program, and Let"s Talk children"s groups; also second stage housing and outreach programs capacity 30 multicultural focus public educationSecure locations in Jackson"s Point and Richmond Hill, call for information; also Keswick Outreach 905-476-8992, Markham Outreach 905-479-4551
Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
- 221 Nelson St, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1C7
- https://www.shchc.ca/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & In person crisis services
Integrated community health and social servicesConfidential and personalized addiction and concurrent disorders services for individuals concerned about their use of alcohol, drugs or gambling and co-occurring mental health concerns assessment treatment planning referral support follow-up appointments out-patient counselling for clients experiencing barriers to access community services
Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
- 221 Nelson Street, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1C7
- 613-789-1500
Youth Addictions
Provides a variety of services to residents in the Sandy Hill area. Services include: Addictions Counselling; Food; Healthy Living; HIV/AIDS; Hepatitis C; Assistance with jobs and money; Medical Care; Assistance for Newcomers to Canada; Parenting Supports; Seniors Programs, and a variety of other social services.
Sandy Lake First Nation
- Sandy Lake Health Authority, Sandy Lake First Nation, ON, P0V 1V0
- http://www.sandylake.firstnation.ca
Crisis lines & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides crisis intervention services to individuals affected by family violence and suicide Offers immediate on site or telephone assistance Dispatches call to police when deemed necessary Ensures victims receive support and assistance to secure their safety Arranges meeting family members at centre or agreed upon location to discuss possible crisis resolutionsAlso coordinates: Crisis plan to follow in response to suicide intervention, domestic violence intervention and any other form of crisis situations that may arise in community Information sessions and workshops on techniques for healing strategiesSupport ServicesSupports can include but are not limited to: Debriefing and stabilization following crisis situation Advocacy on behalf of individuals and families dealing with various agencies Meal preparation, transportation, homemaking and other areas requiring support for families in crisis situations such as the suicide of a youth Information about/referrals to appropriate resources and services
Sanguen Health Centre
- Guelph Community Health Centre, 176 Wyndham St N, Guelph, ON, N1H 8N9
- https://sanguen.com/
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Services include: specialized assessment and treatment coordinated access to allied health and social services counselling, education, outreach Mobile Community Health VanRAAC (Rapid Access Addiction Clinic): support, counselling, resources, referrals to address substance dependence and related health concerns, and assistance with recovery goals.Peripheral services provided for Hepatitis C patients only.
Sanguen Health Centre
- 29 Young St E, Waterloo, ON, N2J 2L4
- 2263394631
- https://sanguen.com/support-program/support-groups/
Support Groups
Drop-in support group for people who use substances
Sanguen Health Centre
- 29 Young St E, Waterloo, ON, N2J 2L4
- https://sanguen.com/support-program/support-groups/
Support Groups
Drop-in support group for people with Hepatitis C
Sarkar, Leena – Social Worker, MSW, RSW Essential Selves Private practice (individual) Registered with Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
- 302-383 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4R4
- 613-869-5362
Youth Addictions
Counselling and therapy for youth and adults, focusing on life transitions, healing from trauma, grief and relationship issues
Sarnia Organ Donor Awareness Group
- Lochiel Kiwanis Community Centre; 180 College Ave N, Room 104, Sarnia, ON, N7T 7X2
- https://www.sarniaorgandonors.ca
Support Groups
Aim is to increase public awareness for the need for organ donors, to provide support for people on waiting lists, and to offer support to other organ recipients who may be experiencing difficult times because of medications, guilt feelings, etc. Services are offered to assist organ recipients and their families with medical and other costs related to the transplant operation in Sarnia and Lambton County.