4003 Cities and Towns
Brantford Clinic, A Fresh New Start
- 205 Colborne St, Brantford, ON, N3T 2G8
- 5197585800
Community Mental Health Centers
Addiction and mental health services
physician based treatment
counselling and case management services for all addiction and mental health needs
Brantford Native Housing
- 318 Colborne St, Brantford, ON, N3S 3M9
- https://www.brantfordnativehousing.com
In person crisis services & Support Groups
Program designed to provide support to women and their children experiencing domestic violenceProgram includes: prevention through community awareness education and peer counselling crisis intervention addressing underlying mental/emotional issues women"s sharing circle to promote healing and wellness among women in a safe environment for sharing
- 2 Billingham Rd. 4th Fl., Toronto, ON, M9B 6E1
- 416-234-1942
Youth Addictions
Breakaway strives to provide seamless, comprehensive, and effective harm reduction services, and a full range of addiction treatment services that are amenable to individuals" needs and goals.
Our services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach. Our focus is providing support to those struggling with issues related to drug and alcohol use.
Breakaway Community Services
- 21 Strickland Ave, Toronto, ON, M6K 3E6
- https://breakawaycs.ca
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 May experience delay for general inquiries; services available by phone or video conferencing, and in person at worker"s discretionOutpatient addiction treatment, harm reduction, counselling, supportive housing, and prevention programsFamily and Youth InitiativeIncludes outpatient treatment for youth 12-25 years with substance abuse related problems, and their families consultation and supportive assistance to families and significant others when users are not in treatment consultation and training in early identification and management of substance abuse for community professionals and agency staff community education and prevention programs individual and group outreach in some schoolsHarm Reduction Counselling and Support TeamFor female or trans identifying drug users 12 years and older, who are street involved or in conflict with the law counselling and support needle exchange, harm reduction supplies adult males accepted on case by case basisSatellite Opiate Addiction Treatment ServicesOutpatient, harm reduction treatment including pharmacotherapies (such as methadone, suboxone) assessment and case management individual counselling, treatment planning and review referral and advocacy for housing, employment, social assistance social and recreation programsPieces to Pathways (P2P)Peer-led substance use support program and drop-in counselling for LGBTTQQ2SIA youth 16-29 years individual counselling and case management harm reduction supplies and safe use education psycho-education groupsSupportive HousingFor individuals 16 years and older, who have problematic substance use and require stable housing (see separate listing)Toronto Opiate Support Team (TOST)For individuals who use opiates or replacement medications, and have little or no access to supportive services (no age restrictions); includes case management, counselling and advocacy, and dedicated workers for client groups (older adults, youth, and women and trans clients) flexible ongoing or short term support training for community service providers in collaboration with other community agencies available in various community locationsThrough Ruff TimesPet care options for people experiencing poverty, homelessness, mental health, substance use, violent living conditions and/or any other self-identified challenges volunteer pet sitting for up to 3 months (may require 2-5 days to facilitate intake requests) pet food and supplies available in partnership with National Pet Food Bank Program and Humane CanadaGLoW InitiativeGrief, loss and wellness support for frontline workers, community-facing management, and community supporters who have been impacted by trauma and loss due to overdose crisis individual and group support delivered by community members and practitioners
Breaking Down Barriers, Independent Living Resource Centre
- 234 Ste Marie St, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3K5
- https://www.breakingdownbarriers.ca
Support Groups
Peer support provides a supportive peer environment, where an individual can gain skills and the self confidence needed to overcome barriers. Groups such as the Diabetes Information Group (monthly), Friendship Café, crafts, pole walking, games night, golf in the summer, curling in the winter.Also offers one-on-one support (by appointment), assistance with self-advocacy, information and referral and assistance filling out paperwork.
Breast Cancer Action of Ottawa
- 1130 St Emmanuel Ter, Ottawa, ON, K1C 2J7
- https://bcaott.ca
Support Groups
Brentwood Recovery Home
- 2335 Dougall Ave, Windsor, ON, N8X 1S9
- https://www.brentwoodrecovery.com/
Addiction Treatment
Abstinence based model of addiction (drugs and alcohol) treatment consisting of meetings, one-on-one counselling, and intensive group therapy. 21 or 90 day Live-in Treatment Program (length of program is determined by the intake assessment and the client"s individual progress) Extensive after-care and follow up meetings Family support
Breton House – A New Link
- 126 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Canada, P6A 1Y5
- 705 946-0920
- https://bretonhouse.ca/for-moms-a-new-link/
Crisis Intervention & Drugs-Alcohol-Gambling Counselling
Offers a structured, coordinated and supervised outpatient substance use program for pregnant/parenting women in recovery for substance abuse.
Bridge (The)
- Bridge House; 319 Barton St E, Hamilton, ON, L8L 2X6
- http://www.hamilton-bridge.ca
Support Groups & Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Offers a support group for individuals who have had contact with the criminal justice system.Program assists with transitioning back into the community after a period of incarceration.
Bridge Halton (The)
- Churchill Neighbourhood Centre; 125 North Service Rd, Unit 2, Oakville, ON, L6H 1A3
- 9056342867
- www.hamilton-bridge.ca/halton-programs/
Support Groups
Reintegration services for all formally incarcerated people seeking supports in areas of housing advocacy, income support, mental health & addictions support, social connections and life skills
Discharge Planning
Drop-In Counselling
Peer Mentorship
Stride: Circle of Support (Stride Nights)
runs Wed evenings from 4 pm-6 pm
volunteers and women meet weekly to enjoy a shared activity and meal
allows women to build informal networks of support that assist them with their reintegration
registration is not required, all levels of participation welcome
- http://www.bridgenorth.org
Support Groups
Support for individuals who have experienced human trafficking, prostitution, sexual exploitation and its root causes including child abuse, pornography provides help to victims with breaking free of their exploiters, exiting the industry, and accessing the necessary resources for healing the emotional and physical trauma of being sexually exploitedProvides support groups to parents and caregivers of trafficked personsAlso offers public education on human trafficking to medical professionals, teachers and others who come in contact with victims
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development – Child and Youth Mental Health – North Fraser – Child and Youth Mental Health
- PO Box 9724, Burnaby, Canada, V8W 9S2
- 1-877-387-7027
- https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/mental-health-substance-use/child-teen-mental-health
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual, family, and group general counselling. Provides referrals to community resources; short-term support following the intake process; assessment services; intervention services, and information and advice to families/caregivers.
Broadview Psychology Private practice Registered with College of Psychologists of Ontario
- 889 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4K 2P9
- 647-348-5140
Youth Addictions
We provide a comprehensive 6 month DBT program including individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching, and a consultation team. We also offer family therapy, couples therapy, and nutrition therapy as needed.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Emotion Focused Therapy are also available.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is an extensively researched treatment that has shown its effectiveness in treating a wide range of issues, such as Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders (Addictions), and PTSD.
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is based on humanistic and systemic theories. It is an evidence-based treatment of depression and marital distress. EFT is also an effective treatment of trauma, abuse, unresolved relationship issues, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders.
Brock Community Health Centre
- 468 Main St E, Beaverton, ON, L0K 1A0
- https://www.brockchc.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 - Primary Care buildings remain open and will continue to provide services both in person and virtually clients must wear a mask while inside Brock CHC facilities if client has a fever, a new cough or has difficulty breathing, he/she should stay at home and contact his/her healthcare providerMulti-disciplinary team that offers primary healthcare services preventative healthcare practices, treatment of chronic and episodic illnesses mental health counselling, service navigation and referrals access to phlebotomy services physiotherapy - service provided at 720 Simcoe St, Beaverton
Brock Community Health Centre
- Brock Community Health Centre, 64 Cameron St E, Cannington, ON, L0E 1E0
- https://www.brockchc.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 - Primary Care buildings remain open and will continue to provide services both in person and virtually clients must wear a mask while inside Brock CHC facilities If client has a fever, a new cough or has difficulty breathing, he/she should stay at home and contact his/her healthcare providerMulti-disciplinary team that offers primary health care services to residents of Brock Township and neighbouring areas preventative health care practices, treatment of chronic and episodic illnesses mental health counselling, service navigation and referrals access to a multidisciplinary team of health care providers access to phlebotomy services