4003 Cities and Towns
Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre
- 2929 Howard Avenue, Windsor, ON, N8X 4W4
- 519-253-3243
Youth Addictions
The Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre is driven by the desire of Aboriginal peoples within the areas of Windsor and Essex County to become a self-sufficient, self-determining, self-governing community.
Programs include:
-Child & Youth
-Health & Wellness
Canada Nepal Solidarity for Peace
- 374 Grammond Circle, Ottawa, ON, K4A 0W8
- 6138906149
- http://www.cnsp.ca/
Support Groups
Non-profit organization which supports immigrant and refugees from Nepal includes Nepalese speaking Bhutanese refugee during their integration into Canadian life provides special support to those who are dealing with extreme anxiety, stress and PTSD provides counseling, settlement and information to help them get settled works as a bridge between clients and service providers currently we are serving 58 seniors directly and about 300 people indirectlyMain focus intergenerational activities once a week seniors support and provide socialization activities crisis support/student support
Canada. Health Canada
- https://www.hopeforwellness.ca
Crisis lines
National telephone hotline for Indigenous people in Canada who need to speak with counsellors focus on mental health issues culturally appropriate counselling support and crisis intervention information on long-term or follow-up support services online chat
Canada. Health Canada
- Tupper Building; 2720 Riverside Dr, Flr 4C, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9
- https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1569960595332/1569960634063
Support Groups
Health promotion activities delivered by community diabetes workers and health service providers
Canada. National Defence
- https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/health-support/sexual-misconduct-response.html
Crisis lines
COVID-19 (January 17, 2022): Providing support as usual. Visit their website for additional information.Confidential call-in support services counseling information and advice on reporting referrals to resources
Canada. National Defence
- 101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K2
- https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/guide/programs-canadian-forces/cfmap.html
Crisis lines
COVID-19 (November 5, 2021): Operates as usual.
Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada
- 130 Colonnade Rd, A.L. 6501H, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9
- https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/childhood-adolescence/parent/nobody-perfect.html
Support Groups
Parenting education and support program for parents of children
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada
- S.B.I. Building, Billings Bridge Plaza, , 2323 Riverside Dr, 2nd Flr, Suite 1, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0P5
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng
Crisis lines
COVID-19 (8 June 2021) VAC offices and Service Canada centres are not open to the public due to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). You can continue to connect with us through My VAC Account secure messaging or by calling 1-866-522-2122 or VAC Assistance Service 1-800-567-5803.Visit their website for more details.Counsels and advises Veterans and their dependents concerning entitlement under Veteran"s Legislation accepts and initiates applications for Veterans" benefits including health care applications, Service Benevolent Funds and trust funds provides information and referral services to social welfare and health agencies assessment of Veterans with physical or mental disabilities and placement in an appropriate treatment centre: Perley and Rideau Veterans" Health Centre at 613-526-7170 may provide financial assistance to veterans where services are not otherwise covered VAC Assistance Service: short term counselling and/or crisis interventionClick here for the Benefits Payment Calendar
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada
- 1161 Crawford Dr, Suite 300, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6X6
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca
Crisis lines
COVID-19 Offices not open to the public. Contact by phone. Visit website for more information.Provides services and benefits to meet the health, social and economic needs of veterans, Canadian Forces members, retired members and their dependents. Services include: Health services - hearing loss, physical injuries, mental health counselling Training, education and job search Income support and emergency funding Help at home, assistance with at-risk housing situations, death and bereavement Benefits for family and caregivers Other veterans" groups such as Canadian War Veterans, Allied Veterans, Canadian Merchant Marine, RCMP and Regular Force Veterans may qualify for all or some of the services and benefits
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada [Toronto area]
- 5800 Hurontario St, Mississauga, ON, L5R 4B9
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng
Community Mental Health Centers & Crisis lines
Benefits Navigator online questionnaire to help determine eligibility for services and benefitsFinancial assistance income support death benefit disability benefits health care benefits caregiver benefit prisoner of war compensation War Veterans AllowanceVeterans Independence Program Assistance with the cost of home care servicesLast Post FundFuneral and burial program, see separate listingHealth, Mental Health and Transition servicesMedical, psychosocial, vocational rehabilitation, case management, career counselling and job search assistance, and long term careVAC Assistance Service24 hour crisis line and short-term problem solving with mental health professionalsOperational Stress Injury Social Support Program (OSISS) Peer support for those affected by Operational Stress Injury and for their familiesVeterans Housing Navigation Team, 416-869-3619 ext 276Case management for homeless veterans, partnership with Good Shepherd Ministries (see separate listing)Helmets to HardhatsApprenticeship opportunities in the building and construction trades
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada [Toronto area]
- 55 Town Centre Court, Suite 205, Toronto, ON, M1P 4X4
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng
Community Mental Health Centers & Crisis lines
Benefits Navigator online questionnaire to help determine eligibility for services and benefitsFinancial assistance income support death benefit disability benefits health care benefits caregiver benefit prisoner of war compensation War Veterans AllowanceVeterans Independence Program Assistance with the cost of home care servicesLast Post FundFuneral and burial program, see separate listingHealth, Mental Health and Transition servicesMedical, psychosocial, vocational rehabilitation, case management, career counselling and job search assistance, and long term careVAC Assistance Service24 hour crisis line and short-term problem solving with mental health professionalsOperational Stress Injury Social Support Program (OSISS) Peer support for those affected by Operational Stress Injury and for their familiesVeterans Housing Navigation Team, 416-869-3619 ext 276Case management for homeless veterans, partnership with Good Shepherd Ministries (see separate listing)Helmets to HardhatsApprenticeship opportunities in the building and construction trades
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada [Toronto area]
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, 2075 Bayview Ave, K Wing, Toronto, ON, M4N 3M5
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng
Community Mental Health Centers & Crisis lines
Benefits Navigator online questionnaire to help determine eligibility for services and benefitsFinancial assistance income support death benefit disability benefits health care benefits caregiver benefit prisoner of war compensation War Veterans AllowanceVeterans Independence Program Assistance with the cost of home care servicesLast Post FundFuneral and burial program, see separate listingHealth, Mental Health and Transition servicesMedical, psychosocial, vocational rehabilitation, case management, career counselling and job search assistance, and long term careVAC Assistance Service24 hour crisis line, and short-term problem solving with mental health professionalsOperational Stress Injury Social Support Program (OSISS)Peer support for those affected by Operational Stress Injury and for their familiesVeterans Housing Navigation Team, 416-869-3619 ext 276Case management for homeless veterans, partnership with Good Shepherd Ministries (see separate listing)Helmets to HardhatsApprenticeship opportunities in the building and construction trades
Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada [Windsor]
- 1 Riverside Dr W, Suite 660, Windsor, ON, N9A 5K3
- https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/services
Crisis lines
Services and Information: Benefits for Veterans- financial support, healthcare, disability and other benefits for current and former members of Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP and their families Services and benefits for the military- access services and benefits of the Canadian Armed Forces and their families Mental Health and Wellness Transition to civilian life Reviews and appeals Visit the website for detailed information regarding the services aboveVeterans Independence Program Annual tax-free funding for services such as grounds maintenance, housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care and professional health and support services At Risk or Homeless Veterans ProgramsVeterans Affairs Canada (VAC) may be able to help with: Emergency Funds Health Care Financial Support Employment Vocational Training and Support Peer Support Case Management Click Here to Find Out More about the ProgramsFor more detailed information of Services for Veterans and their Families Click Here
Canadian Academy of Dental Health and Community Sciences – Division of the Canadian Academy of Dental Hygiene
- 1599 Hurontario St, Suite 105, Mississauga, ON, L5G 4S1
- 9052782794
- www.canadianacademyofdentalhygiene.ca/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Low cost dental hygiene clinic providing oral health care to individuals of all ages * clients are required to commit to multiple appointments * restorative dental services such as fillings, dentures, crowns, implants, root canals, and extractions are not provided * a dentist is available during morning and afternoon appointments for consultation onlyServices provided:
teeth cleaning
oral cancer screening
periodontal and dental exam
oral hygiene assessment, recommendation and instruction
nutritional counselling
smoking cessation
sport guards
Canadian Addison Society (The)
- 2 Palace Arch Dr, Toronto, ON, M9A 2S1
- www.addisonsociety.ca
Support Groups
Information and support groups for people with Addison"s/Adrenal Insufficiency and their families * support groups in South/Central Ontario and Eastern Ontario * telephone or visit website for information about support groups * newsletters for members * information and resources available, including emergency documents