4003 Cities and Towns
National ME / FM Action Network
- 33 Banner Rd, Unit 512, Ottawa, ON, K2H 8V7
- http://www.mefmaction.com
Support Groups
Network assisting people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia Syndrome through: education advocacy support research
National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP)
Youth Addictions
Helps First Nations and Inuit communities set up and operate programs aimed at reducing high levels of alcohol, drug, and solvent abuse among on-reserve populations. Although a program of Health Canada, the NNADAP is now largely controlled by First Nations communities and Organizations.
NNADAP supports a national network of 52 residential treatment centres, with some 700 treatment beds, which are listed on a directory on the Health Canada website.
National Youth In Care Network
- 223 Main St, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1C4
- www.youthincare.ca
Support Groups
Run by and for young people who have been, or who are currently in, the Child Welfare SystemServices include: assistance in the development of local support groups public education on related issues research and reports on the special needs of these youths education monthly e-networker online newsletters presentations at conferences and symposia involvement in social change with the youth and alumni of care movement
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
- 16 Spadina Rd, Toronto, ON, M5R 2S7
- https://ncct.on.ca/
Community Mental Health Centers
Senior"s program outreach support to Indigenous seniors social safety visits and reassurance check congregate dining friendly visitingPersonal support work personal care housekeeping transportation shopping assistanceCultural and recreational services emphasis on Native culture arts and crafts Ojibwa and Mohawk children and adult language classes gift shop drumming, singing, language, cooking, craft online workshops Native Canadian Newsletter Dodem Kanonhsa Cultural Facility in partnership with Inidigenous Services Canada women and men"s circles teaching circles visiting Elder, mental health counsellorFood services -- community lunch Youth services -- youth program including sharing circleOther services information and referral advocacy urban orientation meeting space for rent volunteer opportunities
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto
- 156/156A Galloway Rd, Toronto, ON, M1E 1X2
- https://nativechild.org/early-years/earlyon-centre/
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Culturally-based programming with focus on community capacity building, empowerment and self-determination sweat lodge ceremonies visiting elders drop-in servicesChildren and Youth Programs after school programming social and recreational activities breakfast program traditional dance homework club, summer camp, girls group youth drop in high school equivalency (GED) for youth 18-20 yearsParent and Family Programs addictions counselling, individual and family counselling case management support group housing workers community kitchen parenting skills classes Indigenous EarlyOn program -- parent-child drop in for children birth-6 years
Native Horizons Treatment Centre
- 130 New Credit Rd, Haldimand, ON, N0A 1H0
- 9057685144
- nhtc.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program - prevention, intervention and follow up services for people with addictions
Currently offering:
online 4 week treatment program for addictions
counselling services by phone
Due to a fire, there are no residential treatment services at this time
Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
- 191 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON, M5A 2E5
- https://nwrctportal.ca/live/
In person crisis services & Support Groups
Resource centre crisis intervention information and referral urban orientation community outreach food programsAboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children home visits for families with children birth-6 years auntie approach prenatal and postpartum support early education support, links to community resources and referralsPimaatsiwin -- drop-in for mothers and children birth-6 years parenting classes prenatal programs community kitchen, healthy families training and workshopsTrauma Support -- 416-963-9963 ext 249 case management peer support peer-led support circles trauma counsellingCommunity and Family Wellness Support support, counselling and referrals specializing in legal assistance ending violence and general assistanceCultural programming women"s and youth hand drumming, arts and crafts, beading Full Moon Ceremonies, Traditional feasts Ojibwe language class fitness programs cultural traditions, crafts, support groups, speakersHousing Program information and referral assistance finding and accessing safe, stable housingInvesting in Women"s Futures self-employment and pre-employment training program includes skill-building workshops, educational bridging programs, traditional counselling and activities dress for success programMobility for Good -- free phones and subsidized plans to indigenous women at risk or surviving violence, in partnership with Telus
Near North Palliative Care Network
- 2025 Main St W, St Joseph Motherhouse, North Bay, ON, P1B 2X6
- http://www.nnpcn.com/
Support Groups
Offers bereavement support in both individual and group settings Works with family, caretakers and friends during the final six months of their loved ones, supporting them in their anticipatory grief Upon death follow-up is made with family, caretakers and friends with a 13-month Grief and Bereavement Support Program Offers an 8-Session Grief Support Group and personalized Individual Bereavement Support, which is not intended to replace professional counselling services (if they are required) Provides a 13-month Bereavement and Grief Support program that maintains contact with an individual for 13 months after the death of a loved one
Near North Palliative Care Network
- 111 Coursol Rd, West Nipissing General Hospital, West Nipissing, ON, P0H 2G0
- http://www.nnpcn.com/
Support Groups
Offers bereavement support in both individual and group settings Works with family, caretakers and friends during the final six months of their loved ones, supporting them in their anticipatory grief Upon death follow-up is made with family, caretakers and friends with a 13-month Grief and Bereavement Support Program Offers an 8-Session Grief Support Group and personalized Individual Bereavement Support, which is not intended to replace professional counselling services (if they are required) Provides a 13-month Bereavement and Grief Support program that maintains contact with an individual for 13 months after the death of a loved one
Neighbourhood Group
- 340 College St, Suite 360, Toronto, ON, M5T 3A9
- https://www.sschto.ca/
Support Groups
Adult day program -- including meals and transportation to program within area servedClient intervention and assistance support services to seniors and their families and caregivers information and referral assistance with application to senior"s benefits, housing advocacy case management supportive counsellingPortuguese and Mandarin-speaking seniors Golden Age Garden -- zoom activities for Mandarin-speaking seniors Seniors Activities Centre -- social, recreation and education activities for Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean speaking seniors
Neighbourhood Group Community Services
- 3036 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON, M4C 1N2
- http://www.neighbourhoodlink.org
Community Mental Health Centers
Employment services Job Search Workshops -- workshops to help prepare for job search and to explore career options topics include fundamentals of computer and the Internet, social media, resume and cover letter writing, current labour market information, job search techniques, networking, and interview skills and practiceEmployment Counselling individual case management including one-to-one career counsellingJob Development partnerships with employers to match clients with available positionsNewcomer program five day condensed program assists newcomers to learn about the Canadian Labour Market and workplace expectations resume and cover letter development, interview skillsComputer fundamentals workshops MS Word, MS Outlook, and internet for those over 40 years old with referral from Employment Counsellor 1 week programResource and Information Centre access to job search tools, computer, Internet, fax, scanner, photocopier and printed resourcesEmployment Essentials Moving Forward program -- 8 week pre-employment program for persons 21 years and older with mental health barriers to employment who receive Ontario Works group workshops with one to one counselling in partnership with CAMH New Knowledge, New Steps for Newcomers Program -- 6 week pre-employment program focused on preparing newcomers for successful job search Youth Works -- 6 week paid employment training and 8 week job placement for unemployed youth 15-30 not in school looking for work experienceOntario Employment Services -- see separate entry
- http://www.nellies.org
Support Groups
COVID19 Housing and other workers can be reached by telephone, fax or email; group programs, and community support and outreach offices temporarily closedAssistance for women in accessing and maintaining safe, affordable housing, and in developing community support networks, including support for women with children who have experienced or survived violence, practical support to women who have been homeless or lived in poverty for a long period, assistance for women with mental health or substance abuse issues to live independently in the community, and support for women with disabilities information, referrals, community links including immigration and legal information family advocacy individual and group support workshops and seminars community development and outreachTransitional Housing Support ProgramIncludes assistance with application process for subsidized housing in Toronto, as well as Durham, Peel and York regions safety planning, crisis support, advocacy connections to community resources assistance with finding furniture and household items
Nelson House of Ottawa-Carleton
- https://nelsonhouse.on.ca/
Crisis lines
Temporary shelter for abused women and their children 24-hour crisis counselling phone line
Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre
- Emerald Plaza, 1547 Merivale Rd, Unit 240, 2nd Flr, Ottawa, ON, K2G 4V3
- http://www.nrocrc.org/
Crisis lines
Support in situations of elder abuse including emotional abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse and neglect: provides information, referrals and intake specialized support and case management for older adults consultations with family members, friends/neighbors and service providers elder abuse education and awareness sessions program brochure available: click here
Neskantaga First Nation
- Band Office, Neskantaga First Nation, ON, P0T 1Z0
- http://neskantaga.com/
Crisis lines
Provides crisis intervention services to individuals affected by family violence and suicide Offers immediate on site or telephone assistance Dispatches call to police when deemed necessary Ensures victims receive support and assistance to secure their safety Arranges meeting family members at centre or agreed upon location to discuss possible crisis resolutionsAlso coordinates: Crisis plan to follow in response to suicide intervention, domestic violence intervention and any other form of crisis situations that may arise in community Information sessions and workshops on techniques for healing strategiesSupport ServicesSupports can include but are not limited to: Debriefing and stabilization following crisis situation Advocacy on behalf of individuals and families dealing with various agencies Meal preparation, transportation, homemaking and other areas requiring support for families in crisis situations such as the suicide of a youth Information about/referrals to appropriate resources and services