487 Cities and Towns
Kennebecasis Valley Domestic Violence Outreach – Intimate Partner Violence Counselling
- 506-847-6277
- https://outreach99.wixsite.com/kvdvo/healthy-relationships?fbclid=IwAR3mZgIS5dxDcJPAIDspGKFPassP9UvvdXRJVVSIvslcT_WBt2ZI246WRC4
Mental Health Counselling
Offers counselling and support to those who are affected by intimate partner violence
Kids Help Phone – Crisis Text Line
- 1-800-668-6868
- https://kidshelpphone.ca/text/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers live chat with a trained, volunteer Crisis Responder for support at any time.
Kids Help Phone – Live Chat Counselling
- 1-800-668-6868
- https://kidshelpphone.ca/live-chat/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers live chat counselling, information and referral from professional counsellors to youth in Canada
Kids Help Phone – Peer to Peer
- 1-800-668-6868
- https://peertopeer.kidshelpphone.ca/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
An online community of support with other young people across Canada. Throughout these moderated forums, youth can privately share their experiences, offer inspiration and ask questions to connect, comfort and cheer each other on. The forums feature a wide range of topics so that youth can find and share information for specific questions or concerns.
Kids Help Phone – Telephone Counselling
- 1-800-668-6868
- https://kidshelpphone.ca/call/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers telephone counselling, information and referral from professional counsellors to youth in Canada
Kings Church
- 1496 Manawagonish Rd, Saint John, NB, E2M 3Y3
- 506-847-5343
- https://www.kingschurch.cc
Addiction support groups
Christian church offering outreach services, including:Celebrate Recovery: 12 step addictions recovery program from a Christian perspective
Kings Church
- 332 Hampton Rd, Quispamsis, NB, E2E 4S9
- 506-847-5343
- https://www.kingschurch.cc
Addiction support groups
Christian church offering outreach services, including:Celebrate Recovery: 12 step addictions recovery program from a Christian perspective
Kingsclear First Nation Band Office
- Band Office, 77 French Village Rd, Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3
- 506-363-4001
- https://www.kingsclear.ca/departments-services/health-centre/
Addiction Counselling & Addiction Treatment & Community mental health services
Health Centre for the Kingsclear First Nation:community health nursingprenatal/postnatalmilk programprenatal classescar safetywell baby clinicsimmunization/flu shot clinicsschool age health educationchronic disease screening & education:blood pressure clinicsdiabetes screeningfootcarehome & community care nursing programclient assessmenthome care nursinghealth monitoringfootcarein-home respitehome care medical supplies & equipmentmental wellnessreferrals & information sessionsaccess to mental health nurseaccess to visiting psychiatristNNADAP (addictions) programassessment & addictions counselingreferral information for detoxreferral to treatment centrestransportation to detox/treatmentprevention (addictions) & mental wellnessprevention and early identificationinterventionafter care treatmentmental healthsolvent abuse and awarenessdentalchildren"s oral healthscreeningssealantsfluorideNIHBliason for Non-Insured Health Benefits:medical Transportation (per allowable rates)visiondentalpharmacy, medical supplies & equipmentmental healthenvironmental healthliason with environmental health officerhealthy home inspectionshealth fairselder group activitiestraditional craftscooking classesphysical activity class & educationwalking groupsnutrition/weight management
Kingsclear First Nation Child and Family Services
- Kingsclear Band Office, 77 French Village Rd, Kingsclear First Nation, NB, E3E 1K3
- 506-363-3028
- https://www.kingsclear.ca/departments-services/child-family-services/
Youth >> Mental Health & Youth Mental Health
child care/foster home servicesprovide counseling, where applicable, and other support services to young people ages 16-19head start services provide normalization services to children and parents of multi-problem families, maintaining and strengthening the family unit by assisting children with physical, emotional, social, and/or educational deprivation through facilitating emotional adjustment in life and encouraging and developing appropriate socialization skillson-call/after hours emergency service for reporting suspected child abuseadoption servicesassessment of individuals or couples who wish to adopt children that are available for adoptionrecruitment of families to adopt specific children who require a permanent homeprepares children and families for the placement and supports them until the adoption is finalizedpost-adoption services provide non-identifying information to specific persons, identifying information under special circumstances, and the preparation of some individuals for reunions between interested parties
Klinic Community Health – Human Trafficking Hotline
- 1-844-333-2211
- http://klinic.mb.ca/crisis-support/
Helplines & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers telephone support and counselling to trafficked persons and anyone else affected by trafficking. Also provides information on human trafficking as well as information and referrals for community resources and reporting options if the caller is unable or unwilling to contact the police.Sex workers are also able to use the line to report bad date lists and speak with a counsellor who after taking the report can offer support. This support can be declined or accepted at the discretion of the caller.
Krasman Centre – Warm Line and Peer Crisis Support Services
- 1-888-777-0979
- http://krasmancentre.com/programs/warm-line/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers telephone support services by trained volunteers for individuals for those dealing with crisis situations, mental health problems or addictions issues.
KV Oasis Youth Centre
- 26-A Pettingill Rd, Quispamsis, NB, E2E 3R6
- 506-847-2383
- http://kvoasis.com
Youth >> Mental Health & Youth Mental Health
Youth centre, programming includes:first aid coursesbabysitters coursehome alone coursefree supper clubmental healthsocial interactioneducationrecreation and entertainment
La Jonction pour Elle – Suivi individuel
- C.p. 1257, Lévis, Canada, G6V 6R8
- 1-800-393-9010
- https://www.jonctionpourelle.com/nous-joindre.html
Mental Health Counselling
Ce services offre des suivi individuel et des consultations avec une intervenante qualifié aux femmes et leurs enfants qui sont victimes de violence conjugale afin de progresser dans leur cheminement vers une vie plus sécuritaire.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Charlottetown Community Clinic
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.
Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – DoorWays Walk-In Clinic at Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority – Labrador South Health Centre
- 709-931-2450
- https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/adult/service-directory/service_directory_category/doorways-labrador-grenfell/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers individual and telemental health general and substance use counselling services for youth and adults. Counsellors offer a single-session therapy session based on a person"s individual needs. DoorWays is not an emergency service. Telephone and video services available.