4003 Cities and Towns
Queensview Professional Services Private practice Registered with College of Psychologists of Ontario
- 6 Gurdwara Road, Suite 102, Ottawa, ON, K2E 8A3
- 613-596-2000
Youth Addictions
We are a group of psychologists, psychological associates and social workers who each has our own independent practice. We offer clinical, psychosocial, psychoeducational and neuropsychological assessment, capacity assessment, counselling, psychotherapy and consultation to children, adolescents, adults, families, seniors and community organizations.
We are committed to treating our clients with respect and compassion, providing excellent service and maintaining high ethical standards.
Quenneville, Antoine – Psychological Associate, MA Psychology Forefront Psychotherapy Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Psychologists of Ontario
- 451 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6H6
- 613-406-1161
Adult Addictions
Individual and couple counselling in French and English. Two locations: 451 Daly Avenue in Sandy Hill and Suite 206-2948 Baseline in Nepean
Quesnelle, Chantelle – Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC), M.Sc., BA., CCC Fireside Centre Private practice (individual) Registered with Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)
- 207-60 Collier, Barrie, ON, L4M 1G8
- 705-717-8171
Youth Addictions
Youth and young adults need a safe place to express themselves, work through challenges, and find support. The Fireside Centre takes a creative approach to providing individual, family, and group counselling through the use of art, music, yoga, and traditional psychotherapy approaches. Our mission is to empower and support youth & young adults by helping them build their capacity for mental health and growth. The centre aims to tailor-make each youth’s session in order to meet their mental, emotional, and physical needs while matching the approach to their personality and developmental preferences. Our objective is to provide affordable, accessible, innovative, and professional services to youth, young adults, and their families in Barrie and surrounding areas.
Quest Community Health Centre
- West Wing; 145 Queenston St, Suite 100, St Catharines, ON, L2R 2Z9
- http://questchc.ca
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling & Support Groups & In person crisis services
COVID-19: Groups are currently run virtually. Not all groups are run ongoing. CHRONIC PAIN SELF MANAGEMENT: A 6 week workshop for people who live with an chronic or ongoing pain who want to learn ways to better live with their pain and improve their quality of life. GENDER QUEST: A support group for adults in any stage of gender transition, including those questioning their gender, modeled after Sherbourne Health Centre"s Gender Journeys group. HOT TOPICS IN HEALTH: A monthly drop-in session that provides information on different "Hot Topics" in health as chosen by our clients. Topics could range from health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes to healthy behaviours such as sleep and mindfulness. QUIT SMOKING GROUP: A smoking cessation program that helps people develop a personal quit plan, deal with any barriers or challenges related to quitting and access 6 months worth of free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (eg. patch, gum, lozenges and inhalers). * limited access currently to COVID-19* TAKE CHARGE! CHRONIC DISEASE SELF MANAGEMENT: A 6 week workshop for people who live with an ongoing health problem who need help identifying coping strategies, setting goals, managing stress, making healthier lifestyle choices, working with their healthcare team and living life to the fullest. TRANS/GENDER-QUESTIONING YOUTH GROUP: A monthly social support group for gender diverse youth aged 14-19 years. Provides an opportunity to meet other trans and gender questioning youth for discussion, movies, guest speakers and snacks. Additional groups are available to clients. For more information, call or visit.
Quinte Assessment and Treatment Group Inc.
- 208 John St, Belleville, ON, K8N 3G1
- https://www.qxplore.com
Community Mental Health Centers
CV19 Office Hours Mon-Fri 9 am- 6 pm Counselling and resources still available by Telephone & Video Services Mon-Thurs 9 am- 8 pm; Sat 9 am- 3 pm (March 23, 2020)Clinical Assessment, Treatment and Workplace Services Provides specialized psychological, psychotherapeutic, social work, and physical assessment and treatment services for adults and children of all ages These individuals may be self referred or referred by another health professional, an insurance company, lawyer or workplacePsychological Assessment Psychometric Assessment Intellectual, Personality, Vocational and Educational Assessment Risk Assessment Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment Behavioural Assessment and Consultation Addiction Assessment Capacity Assessment Pain and Disability Assessments Parenting Capacity WSIB, ODSP and Insurance AssessmentsPsychological and Psychotherapeutic Treatment Trauma Debriefing Psychotherapy for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Pain Treatment and Management Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Human Capacity Development Addictions and Substance Abuse Therapy Autism Treatment. IBI and ABA Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents in Foster and Group HomesPhysical Assessment and Treatment Decompression Therapy Pain and Injury Assessment Treatment and Management Pain and Injury Risk Assessment WSIB and Insurance Assessments Return to Work and Return to Normal Living Analysis (Post accident) Chronic Disease Counselling and Management Weight and Fitness Management Work Conditioning ProgramsErgonomic Services Ergonomic Assessment Physical Demands Analysis Work Conditioning Program Workplace Analysis Services Workstation Design and ImplementationWorkplace Services Workplace Accident and Injury Prevention Programs Introductory Injury Prevention Program Back Injury Prevention Program Healthy Workplace Wellness and Prevention Programs
Quinte Down Syndrome Support Network
- Family Space, 100 Station St, Belleville, ON, K8N 2S5
Support Groups
Support network for families raising a child or young adult with Down Syndrome Book lending library New baby packages Family home visits
Quinte Health Care Corporation
- WCA Wing, 265 Dundas St E, Floor 4, Belleville, ON, K8N 5A9
- https://www.qhc.on.ca/crisis-intervention-centre-p1956.php
Community Mental Health Centers & Crisis lines & In person crisis services
Mental health crisis intervention program immediate response assessment referral short term counselling support 24 hrs crisis line outreach clinics in Picton, and Trenton, videoconferencing available in Madoc and Bancroft
Quinte Health Care Corporation
- 15 Victoria Ave, Belleville, ON, K8N 1Z5
Community Mental Health Centers
A program that is sponsored by Quinte Health Care Assertive Community Treatment Team provides treatment, rehabilitation and support services to those adults suffering from a severe and persistent mental illness that reside in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties team is multi-disciplinary and provides most of the services in the community where the client lives or works services are not time limited
Quinte Health Care Corporation
- QHC Trenton Memorial, 242 King St, Quinte West, ON, K8V 5S6
Crisis lines
DVSARP offers a 24-hour response team of nurses who are specially equipped with knowledge specific to intimate partner domestic violence and /or sexual assault (SA/DV) across the lifespan acute cases providing service to women, men and children within the team is a follow up nurse who is able to provide ongoing support to patients following the acute stage follow up nurse also can provide support to patients requiring assistance with historical Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault and works as a liaison with the community supportsThe Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault team responds to all four hospitals within Quinte Health Care: Belleville, Trenton, Picton and North Hastings on-call nurse responds when paged by a local Emergency Department to assist the team with the care of a patient whom discloses to the triage nurse that they have been assaulted and require assistance collaborates with the Emergency Department Team as well as the sexual assault center social worker, or children"s aid society as well as other social service sectors to support the assault victim and together provide a comprehensive assessment and a plan of care to meet the needs of the patient who has encountered an acute assault takes turns at being available for on call shifts legal and medical information will be offered as well as forensic collection in the event of an acute sexual assault at the patients discretion access to a sexual assault worker is also provided in conjunction with the Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault response nurse or coordinated by the local Emergency Department as required victims of an acute Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault are encouraged to engage 911 and/or go directly to the nearest Emergency Department for assistance
Quinte Immigration Services (QUIS)
- 345 College St E, Unit 2, Belleville, ON, K8P 5S7
- https://www.quinteimmigration.ca
Support Groups
CV19 Offices closed to the public until further notice Staff working remotely to provide continued support or services Please call the office at 613-968-7723 for assitances Updates will be posted to our website and Facebook page (March 28, 2020) Immigration support agency Referral to economic, social, health, cultural, education and recreational services Assistance in obtaining Social & Health Insurance, Child Tax Benefits, driver"s license, housing and schooling Immigration process assistance Referrals to English Language classes and other services Promote anti-racism and cultural awareness Translation and interpretation services. Community Connections Program -- group activities and information sessions for newly arrived immigrants and refugees of all ages to help orient them to their new community and establish social and professional networks Economic Development Through Immigration (EDTI) -- program designed to match skilled newcomers with employers experiencing labour shortages in the Quinte area Central Eastern Ontario Translation & Interpretation Services -- Fee-for-service language interpretation services and translation services. Call 1-888-968-1065 for more information.
Quinte Prostate Cancer Support Group
- Steele Family Center, 30 Moira St W, Belleville, ON, K8P 1S2
Support Groups
Everyone Welcome The purpose of the group is to help others who have prostate cancer or are worrying and wish more information The goal is to give help to others They have films, books and personal experiences They are not doctors but survivors wishing to help
Quinte Therapeutic Riding Association, QUINTRA
- 173-B McGee Rd, Stirling, ON, K0K 3E0
- 6133952990
- https://www.quintra.org
Community Mental Health Centers
Alternative therapy program Therapeutic horseback riding Semi-private lessons
Rachel’s Vineyard – Thunder Bay
- https://www.rachelsvineyard.org
Support Groups
Provides weekend retreats offering a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortion emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing Offers both Catholic-based and non-denominational healing retreats
Rainbow Service Organization
- http://www.rainbowservice.org/
Support Groups
RSO is a volunteer run organization that operates to connect the queer, questioning, lesbian, bisexual, two-Spirit, transgender and gay community via events, website and event calendar. Involved in community activities such as on the organizing committee of Peterborough Pride.
- https://www.dcdsb.ca/en/parents/Peer-Support-for-Loss--Rainbow-Program-.aspx
Support Groups
Rainbows is a peer support program for elementary and secondary level students who have suffered loss due to separation, divorce or death in their family enables youth to express feelings and develop coping skills