4003 Cities and Towns
- Hospice Prince Edward, 403 Main St E, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
- https://www.rainbows.org
Support Groups
Support program for youth living with death and bereavement Anger management
Rainbows For All Children Canada
- 80 Bradford St, Suite 131, Barrie, ON, L4N 6S7
- https://www.rainbows.ca
Support Groups
National, non profit peer to peer support program to help children, youth and adults process grief related to divorce, death and other family loss. Five distinct groups within the program: In-person and virtual sessions available SunBeams for preschool children Rainbows for children in kindergarten through grade eight Spectrum for youth in secondary school Kaleidoscope for single adults and college age, 18 and over Prism is for single parents and step parents seeking to rebuild the family unit Silver Linings is a Community Crisis Response ProgramParticipants take part in peer support groups led by trained facilitators each curriculum consists of 14 weekly sessions groups meet at schools, churches, synagogues and other family/community locations most sites are sponsored by local civic or religious organizations as well as Simcoe County District School BoardFor more information about becoming a Registered Rainbows site, call office for more informationOutreach PresentationsPresentations include positive coping strategies, building self-esteem, and sorting through the pain
Rainbows For All Children Canada
- https://www.rainbows.ca
Support Groups
Peer support group founded to assist children, adolescents and adults who are grieving divorce, death, separation, abandonment, foster care, deployment serious family illness or other painful loss.
Rainy River District Victim Services Program
- 334 Scott St, Fort Frances, ON, P9A 1G9
- https://www.rrdvsp.ca
In person crisis services
Offers on-site early intervention and crisis intervention Provides needs assessment, safety planning and referrals to community services Offers enhanced support for vulnerable victims Provides assistance with applications to VQRP+Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+)Provides assistance with emergency expenses related to the eligible incident, including: home safety accommodation meals transportation basic necessities dependent care costs counselling traditional Indigenous health services cellular phones vision care dental care aids for victims with disabilities interpretation services crime scene cleanup government/medical documents funeral expensesAdditional assistance for victims of human trafficking includes: storage locker tattoo removal treatment at a recovery facilityNote: No direct reimbursement to victims for above supportsFinancial support also available for: victims who sustained serious physical injuries during a crime parents of child homicide victims spouses of homicide victimsVolunteers Recruits individuals to provide support to victims Provides individuals with specialized training at no costVolunteers will: Assist in developing a personalized safety plan for the victim Provide information about legal assistance and programs Offer referrals to long-term service providers within the community Provide temporary practical and emotional support
Rainy River District Victim Services Program
- https://www.rrdvsp.ca/
Crisis lines
Works as an online community that brings together services in the Rainy River District for survivors/victims of sexual assault Assists individuals to access the physical, emotional, mental, legal, and other support services available to them following a sexual assault Promotes communication and dialogue amongst service providers Provides information to determine what constitutes sexual assault and where to call immediately for assistance/reporting; specific information also listed for individuals under 18 years of age Advises how to assist family members and friends impacted by sexual assaultResources listed for survivors of sexual assault include: Physical - health facilities to access medical attention/assessment Counselling - centres/services for emotional and mental health assistance Legal - police and legal services to report and/or take legal action Support Services - supports such as Women"s Shelters Support Groups - support through groups with similar experiences Other Helps - services such as Canadian Mental Health Association and Taxi services
Rainy River District Women’s Shelter of Hope
- https://www.rrdwsoh.ca/
Crisis lines
Operates a 10-bed emergency shelter for abused women and their children Coordinates support services for clients Provides a 24-hour crisis line Accepts donations of clothing and household items
Rainy River First Nations
- 6 Manitou Rapids Dr, Emo, ON, P0W 1E0
- https://www.rainyriverfirstnations.com
Support Groups & Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Promotes healthy individuals, families and communities with regard to family violence Provides culturally appropriate support services, resources, educational materials, and workshops to address community wellness needs Provides cultural teachings and direct traditional activities such as sweat-lodges, medicine picking and drummingOffers workshops including but not limited to the following topics: Alcohol, street drug and solvent misuse Bullying and cyberspace Family violence Grief and loss Healthy relationships Healthy families and surviving responsibilities Problematic prescription drug use Self esteem
Rajakumar, Derek – Paediatrician, MD, FRCPC, DTM&H University of Ottawa Health Services Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
- 801 King Edward Ave, N203, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5
- 613-564-3950
Youth Addictions
Pediatrician providing care for various issues including the following:
Ongoing Primary Care (Offered by some UOHS paediatricians)
Newborn’s First Appointment
Concurrent Premature Infant Care
Feeding Intolerance/Refusal
Infant Colic and Gastroesophageal Reflux
Behavioral Difficulties
Developmental Delay
Educational/School Difficulties
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
Neurologic Issues
Childhood Obesity
Endocrine Issues
Rapid Access To Medical Specialists Private practice Registered with College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
- 110-21 Queensway West, Mississauga, ON, L5B 1B6
- 905-897-9228
Youth Addictions
We are a leading patient centered health care facility located on the west-end of Toronto that focuses on a range of acute and specialty based medical care. In addition to our 7 days a week walkin mulitspeciality clinic services, Our facility offers tele-medicine services, diagnostic imaging service such as X-ray, Ultrasound & Bone density, pharmacy as well as medical laboratory. Staffed by highly trained physicians our facility is committed to creating an exceptional experience for everyone who walks through our doors.
Rapid Addiction Treatment Centre
- 1108 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON, L6L 2X4
- 9052794848
- www.mostmethadone.com/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Offers methadone and suboxone (buprenorphine) treatment * specialized in helping people who are addicted to painkillers (opiate drugs)counselling for those addicted to heroin or opiates such as morphine (MS-Contin), oxycodone (Percocet, Oxycontin, Oxyneo), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), and codeine (Tylenol 1-2-3-4), fentanyl (Duragesic)doctor"s visits are covered by OHIP
opioid substitution therapy: methadone and suboxone paid for by patient or drug insurance plan if applicableConnex Ontario, 1-866-531-2600: provides information and system navigation about mental health, addictions, and problem gambling services in Ontario * live-answer, 24/7, free and confidential
Rapids Family Health Team
- 1150 Pontiac Dr, Unit 4, Sarnia, ON, N7S 3A7
- http://www.rapidsfhteam.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID-19 - Some services may be offered by phone, video conference or in person.A group of Allied Health Professionals that support family physicians by providing their patients with the highest quality of care. chiropody (foot care) stress and depression management by social workers and psychologists weight management and nutritional education by registered dietitians education and management of Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, Hypertension and more smoking cessation programs balance and memory classes offered by Occupational Therapist cognitive screening
Rapids Family Health Team
- 233 Cameron St, St Clair, ON, N0N 1G0
- https://www.rapidsfhteam.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
A group of Allied Health Professionals that support family physicians by providing their patients with the highest quality of care. Nutritional education by registered dietitians. Education and management of Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, Hypertension and more. Smoking cessation programs Cognitive screening Laboratory Services
RAY – Virtual Mental Health Support
- 125 Sherbrook Street, Canada, R3C 2B5
- 204-783-5617
- https://www.rayinc.ca/get-help/mental-health-and-addictions/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers an online platform to support youth mental health and wellness. This service includes education about mental health topics with workbooks and resources, assistance with setting goals and care plans, tracking wellbeing and progress, and an online chat function to communicate with a mental health professional.
Re-Imagine Ontario
- 2020 Winston Park Dr, Suite 200, Oakville, ON, L6H 6X7
- www.reimagineontario.ca
Support Groups
Note: Due to Covid-19, all programs are currently being offered remotelyYouth Mental Health Programs - workshops and peer support sessions to vulnerable youth, with a special focus on programs for Black and Indigenous youth who may be vulnerable
Child & Youth Mentoring - takes place virtually or in community recreation centres and/or classrooms, providing children and youth an opportunity to interface directly with role models within their communities & providing classroom/homework support. Special focus on programs for Black and Indigenous youth who may be vulnerable
In-Home Support Services for Seniors - Friendship Support/Friendly Visiting for isolated seniors; Home and Personal Support
RE/ACT Windsor-Essex
- 710 Mercer St, Windsor, ON, N9A 1N2
- https://reactwindsor.ca/
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
A 12 week outpatient program that addresses the complex trauma that drives addictions and mental health issues. It is a safe space for persons to explore their traumatic stories, find healing and take back control of their lives.