4003 Cities and Towns
- First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Ave, Room 7, Ottawa, ON, K2A 4A1
- https://ancoura.ca/
Community Mental Health Centers
Provides a nurturing and fulfilling environment for persons living with a mental illness in a stable, affordable housing and a supportive community dedicated to nurturing resident growth from isolation to inclusion, from stigma to acceptance and from uncertainty to trust volunteers provide support for residents in their daily activities and allowing them to live more independently
Andres-Lemay, Joy – Psychologist, PhD Oakville Chiropractic and Family Health Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Psychologists of Ontario
- 2525 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 380, Oakville, ON, L6M 4J2
- 289-837-3777
Youth Addictions
Provides psychological assessment, therapy, and consultation services to children, adolescents, and their families.
- Head Office, 1296 Weston Rd, Toronto, ON, M6M 4R3
- http://www.anduhyaun.org
In person crisis services
COVID19 Shelter open, call for informationResidence and emergency shelter (capacity 18) including counselling for residents and non-residents, crisis intervention and sexual assault counselling Full-Moon ceremony, Sharing Circle and Healing Circle life skills program and cultural activities from Indigenous perspective
Angels of Hope
- 4550 Ste-Catherine, St-Isidore, ON, K0C 2B0
- 613-524-3077
Youth Addictions
Lodging Home providing full room and board as well as 24-7 supervised environment.
Anglican Parish of South Dundas
- St. James Anglican Church, 20 High St, South Dundas, ON, K0C 1X0
- https://www.southdundasanglicans.ca/
Community Mental Health Centers
Community kitchen drop-in lunch and fellowship wellness groups (grief, anger management, depression/anxiety) free counselling services free clothing distribution for community
Anglican Social Services
- 454 King Edward Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1N 7M8
- http://www.centre454.ca/index.php/en/
In person crisis services & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID-19: The centre is open for showers. Call to book a time.This information is regularly updated on their website.Drop-in counselling centre for any adult (alone or with children) who finds it difficult to access services elsewhere due to illness, disability or homelessness.Practical assistance: shower and laundry facilities telephones small clothing items (underwear, socks, and seasonal accessories) hygiene items condoms needle exchangeSocial Recreation Program: creative expressions program including literacy and writer"s group, music appreciation, and visual arts board games card games bingo arts and crafts special events karaoke chaplaincyCounselling: short-term supportive counselling advocacy crisis intervention housing employment support and resume writing addiction Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) / Human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and Hepatitis A, B, C groups (addiction, life skills)In-Reach visits by: Housing Help Royal Ottawa Hospital Outreach Teams (psychiatric and addiction) University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)Application Support Program: Assists individuals with significant disabilities and barriers to navigate the complex application process
Animakee Wa Zhing #37 First Nation
- Zhaawanaabinesiik Health Centre, 316 Animkii Dr, Northwest Angle 37 First Nation, ON, P0X 1N0
- https://www.animakeewazhing37.com/
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides services and support for individuals and families struggling with problematic substance use issues Offers Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings when required Provides transportation to all meetings and workshops upon requestPrevention Provides public seminars/meetings to raise community awareness of problematic alcohol and substance use and gambling issues Holds educational sessions in schools Coordinates cultural and spiritual eventsIntervention Facilitates recreational activities and social events Provides individual and group discussions Offers cultural and spiritual gatheringsAftercare ServicesProvides the following services aimed at preventing problematic alcohol and substance use from reoccurring: Counselling, sharing circles and support groups Regular phone calls and home visits Referrals to Band services, social services, detoxification and treatment centres and medical assistance
Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing
- AON Administration Building, Anishinaabeg Of Naongashiing/Big Island First Nation, ON, P0W 1J0
- https://www.bigisland.ca
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides services and support for individuals and families struggling with addiction issues Offers Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings when required Provides transportation to all meetings and workshops upon requestPrevention Provides public seminars/meetings to raise community awareness of problematic alcohol and substance use and gambling addictions Holds educational sessions in schools Coordinates cultural and spiritual eventsIntervention Facilitates recreational activities and social events Provides individual and group discussions Offers cultural and spiritual gatheringsAftercare provided for preventing reoccurrence: Counselling, sharing circles and support groups Regular phone calls and home visits Referrals to Band services, social services, detoxification and treatment centres and medical assistance
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
- 213 Carlton St, Toronto, ON, M5A 2K9
- 4166570379
- www.aht.ca
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Group and individual counselling to people with mental health and addiction issues * addiction day treatment programServices and Programs:Aboriginal Mental Health And Addiction ServicesRapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Program
Anxiety Canada – Mindshift CBT
- 604-620-0744
- https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/
Mental Health Counselling & Mental Health Treatment Services
Offers virtual app-based mental health services. Services include CBT-based tools and resources, including anxiety and mood tracking tools.
Anxiety Disorder Association of Ontario (ADAO)
- 153 Chapel Street,, Heartwood House, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1H5
- 613-729-6761
Youth Mental Health
The ADAO is a registered charity and non-profit organization based in Ottawa, Ontario. Our mandate is to assist individuals with anxiety conditions and their families, to promote both public and professional awareness of these conditions, and to provide programs, and educational services. We do this to foster personal mental health and well being for those in our community, and to build a community that is more supportive of persons with anxiety conditions. The ADAO provides information and assistance through its educational materials, phone support, public presentations, and a wide variety of programs including a 14-week educational workshop. The ADAO is a trusted community leader in public education and information about anxiety conditions and raises funds to support all activities of the organization.
Services include:
* 14 week anxiety management program
* Toll-free and local telephone line for resource and referrals.
* Educational presentations and seminars for the public, the health services sector, schools, various non-profit organizations, community centers, businesses and government departments
Anxiety Disorders Association of Ontario
- 404 McArthur Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1K 1G8
- http://www.anxietydisordersontario.ca/
Community Mental Health Centers & Support Groups
Organization helping people suffering from anxiety disorders accessible holistic programs education, resources, and support
Aphasia Centre of Ottawa
- 2081 Merivale Rd, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON, K2G 1G9
- https://aphasiaottawa.org/
Support Groups
COVID-19 (May 5, 2021): Home visits, communication groups, caregiver groups and couples counseling are available virtually (videoconference). New referrals are accepted.Community-based agency dedicated to the long-term support of people affected by aphasia, a language disorder that can occur in persons who have had a stroke and often after another injury to the brain speech-language pathologists, social workers, and communicative disorders assistants in partnership with other community-based professional colleagues and trained volunteers, provide programs to help people adjust to living with aphasia and to again be active participants in the community services are also available for people with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)Services: Enhanced Professional Intervention and Co-Therapy Groups: For people who are re-entering the community following rehab/day hospital treatment * Participants meet once weekly over a 4-week period for two hours, in smaller groups of 3 to 4 people with professional facilitators Communication and Counselling Groups: Speech-language staff supported by trained volunteers, facilitate conversations in small groups of people who have aphasia * The primary focus of these groups is communication - the sharing and exchange of ideas by whatever means e.g. speech, gesture, drawing, facial expression and body language Individual/Family and Group Speech-Language Therapy and Counselling: Support for everyday situations is the focus of therapy provided by speech language and social work staff * Individual therapy is often directed at enabling the person with aphasia with specific communicative goals or to carry out a personal project e.g. accessing regular community activities * reconnecting with long-standing friends * discussing medical issues with physicians Activity Groups: Facilitated by communicative disorders assistants with support of trained volunteers * Small groups of two or three persons, where participants carry out a personal project e.g. writing emails to family/friends, learning new technology, creation of Life History/Communication Books to facilitate communication with family, friends and other participants in ACO programs Counselling and communication support for emotional distress, regaining power of attorney, changing financial plans, accessing M.A.I.D (Medical Assistance in Dying) services * Individual, couple, family, and group counselling/therapy available Individual, couple, family, and group therapy available Caregiver Support Groups: Spouses and family members participate in monthly meetings facilitated by a social worker Physiotherapy Groups: Groups of three to four persons participate in one-hour individualized therapy programs, under the supervision of a physiotherapist and clinical trainer, with support from trained volunteers Volunteer Training: Volunteers learn effective communication techniques for conversational partnerships with people with aphasia and to provide program support for the specific groups and individuals to whom they are assigned Workshops and Information Seminars: Customized according to group needs
Aphasia Institute
- 73 Scarsdale Rd, Toronto, ON, M3B 2R2
- https://www.aphasia.ca
Support Groups
COVID19 staff working remotely services available by telephone or onlineServices volunteer led communication program, which stresses communication and conversation within small groups Toastmaster"s Gavel Club music therapy drop-in, recreation caregiver support, support groups for families and friends professional and pictographic resources professional training volunteer opportunities
Applegrove Community Complex
- Duke of Connaught Public School, 60 Woodfield Rd, Toronto, ON, M4L 2W6
- https://www.applegrovecc.ca
Support Groups
Parent/caregiver and child drop-in centre, including early learning activities, music and movement, creative activities, parent education, and information on parenting, child development and community resources toy library parenting workshops, parent relief clothing exchange care provider support groups prenatal program babysitting registryCall for information on satellite location