4003 Cities and Towns
Applegrove Medical Clinic
- 135 Applegrove St, Sudbury, ON, P3C 1N2
Addiction Treatment
Offers a methadone maintenance program for individuals addicted to opiates based on an intensive outpatient model, over a 12-24 month periodIncludes: Initial intake screening procedure A signed treatment contract Focused medical examination Appropriate lab tests Initial as well as ongoing supervised urinalysis Weekly group and individual therapy Regular medical follow-ups and supervision Regular daily Methadone dosing Treatment of addiction related illness and/or diseases (such as Hepatitis C and HIV infection) After care program
Applied Recovery Connections
- Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre; 1145 Carling, Rm 1423, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4
- https://www.arcrecovery.ca
Support Groups
Evidence-based addiction support group providing open-discussions, education, tools, and guest speakers
- www.apsgo.ca
Support Groups
Group for parents of acting out youth * weekly meetings, workshops and other resources to assist parents in acquiring the skills to help themselves and their rebellious and acting-out children * alternative approach linked to modern child-rearing theories and psychological concepts, common-sense approach which parents apply to daily life
Aptus Treatment Centre
- 40 Samor Rd, Toronto, ON, M6A 1J6
- 4166335775
- www.aptustc.com
Community Mental Health Centers
Supports children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities, including those with a dual diagnosis mental health disorder * programs and services include school supports, clinical services, adult community-based programs and supported living homesServices and Programs:Children"s Day Treatment ProgramAdult Day Treatment Program, Adult Day ProgramsToronto - Anthony Rd - Children"s Day Treatment Program
Aptus Treatment Centre
- 40 Samor Rd, Toronto, ON, M6A 1J6
- 4166338523
- www.aptustc.com
Community Mental Health Centers
Activities Building Quality of LifeRegularly planning and realizing activities that are of interest to participants helps to create a sense of pattern, enhances likelihood to participate and be active, and can lead to improvements in quality of life. Programs are based on this principle. When not engaging in the community, participants can engage in multi-sensory room, gross motor room, computer facilities. Nearby, Teaching Landscape is a year-round environmental learning space with a heated greenhouse, orchard and vegetable garden.
Aquility Private practice Registered with Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
- 216-507 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, ON, L5G 1H9
- 905-274-2436
Youth Addictions
A group private practice of 10 Registered Social Workers and Registered Psychotherapists.
Special Services During Pandemics (e.g. COVID/Corona), Disasters and Related Emergencies
Arab Community Centre of Toronto
- 1855 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, ON, M1R 2Y3
- https://www.acctonline.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 -- all services and programs provided through phone, email, zoom, google meet, what"s app and other channels whether in group sessions or individually; location is open by appointment------------------ ----------------------Settlement Services information and referral, housing and legal assistance translation and interpretation escort to appointments counselling for students, individuals and families, liaising with Children"s Aid Society youth counselling and parenting sessions orientation Community Connections Mentorship Program -- community support through volunteer befriending, help adapting to community life skills, conversation circles to practice English credential assessment - referral to World Education Services (WES)Refugee Services referral and assistance with shelter, attendance at inquiry, employment, social, welfare and legal services social and cultural activities Ontario Community Participation -- volunteer placement program for Ontario Works recipientsWelcoming Syrians services for Syrian newcomers or sponsor groups support to facilitate the settlement process workshops on cultural safety and sensitivity GAR (government assisted refugees) Support Teams composed of settlement counsellors and volunteersCareer Café -- ACCT"s Employment Services helps newcomers understand and integrate into the Canadian job market delivered one on one and in a group setting, both online and in-person self assessment, writing resumes and cover letters, job search techniques, researching the job market and networkingYouth Services settlement program encouraging civic participation and integration through a focus on recreation, sport, and mentorshipAccess Centre for Ontario Electricity Support Program assistance with applicationsProblem Gambling Program culturally appropriate prevention, education and treatment with outreach and public education to community groups individual or group counselling for gamblers or those affected by gamblingDomestic Violence Education Program counselling and referral for victims of family violence
Arab Community Centre of Toronto
- 295 The West Mall, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M9C 4Z4
- https://www.acctonline.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
COVID19 -- all services and programs provided through phone, email, zoom, google meet, what"s app and other channels whether in group sessions or individually; location is open by appointment----------------------------------------Settlement Services information and referral, housing and legal assistance translation and interpretation escort to appointments counselling for students, individuals and families, liaising with Children"s Aid Society youth counselling and parenting sessions orientation Community Connections Mentorship Program -- community support through volunteer befriending, help adapting to community life skills, conversation circles to practice English credential evaluations - referral to World Education Services (WES)Refugee Services referral and assistance with shelter, attendance at inquiry, employment, social, welfare and legal services social and cultural activities Ontario Community Participation -- volunteer placement program for Ontario Works recipientsCareer Café -- ACCT"s Employment Services helps newcomers understand and integrate into the Canadian job market delivered one on one and in a group setting, both online and in-person self assessment, writing resumes and cover letters, job search techniques, researching the job market and networkingYouth Services settlement program encouraging civic participation and integration through a focus on recreation, sport, and mentorshipToronto Youth Job Corps full time paid employment preparation program for youth 15-30 years who are out of school, out of work, and require support in obtaining and maintaining employment 5 week pre-employment activities including resume preparation, employment readiness skills, career planning, counselling and referral 8 to 16 week supported placement with an employer in the community, with ongoing support after completing the program placements are in careers such as sales, administration, construction, or tradesHalftime -- a project for Black youth to help them build resiliency against risk factors of violence Access Centre for Ontario Electricity Support Program assistance with applicationsProblem Gambling Program culturally appropriate prevention, education and treatment with outreach and public education to community groups individual or group counselling for gamblers or those affected by gamblingDomestic Violence Education Program counselling and referral for victims of family violence
Aranyosi, Liesel – Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Psychotherapist/Counsellor Liesel Aranyosi Private practice (individual) Registered with College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
- 2130 Robertson Rd., Ottawa, ON,
- 613-291-3865
Youth Addictions
Provides counselling and therapy for children, adolescents, adults, elderlies, motor vehicle accident victims. Addresses crisis, anger, anxiety, depression, trauma. Implements "Finding Calm" program.
ARCH Disability Law Centre
- 15 floor-55 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5J 2H7
- 416-482-8255
Youth Mental Health
Community legal clinic * summary advice and referral * limited representation in test case litigation * collect calls accepted * law reform * speakers * resource library with adaptive technology workstations for Internet access, Monday-Friday 10-4 * electronic newsletter * funded by Legal Aid Ontario
Persons with disabilities (including mental health) * must meet financial and case eligibility guidelines
English ; French ; interpreters by appointment, including American Sign Language
Call to speak with Information and Referral Worker
Arnprior and District Breast Cancer Support Group
- 21 Madawaska St, Arnprior, ON, K7S 3H6
- http://www.goldengraphics.ca/ourbcsg/arnprior.html
Support Groups
Breast Cancer support group
Arnprior and District Family Health Team
- 346 John St N, Suite 255, Arnprior, ON, K7S 2P6
- 6136225763
- https://arnpriorfht.ca/
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) program includes: complete respiratory health assessment spirometry review of medications and inhaler techniques action plan, smoking cessation referrals to Family Health Team and community programs and resources Group education sessions Sessions delivered by Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse and Respiratory Therapist offered to patients/caregivers.
Arnprior and District Family Health Team
- 346 John St N, Suite 255, Arnprior, ON, K7S 2P6
- https://arnpriorfht.ca/programs/craving-change
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Weekly group program to understand eating habits: reflection on personal eating habits understanding stress and eating understanding overeating understanding the challenges of changing patterns
Arnprior Regional Health
- 350 John St N, Arnprior, ON, K7S 2P6
- https://www.arnpriorregionalhealth.ca
Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
List of online resources on the topic of COPD * contains a list of reference materials for patients * caregivers * and health care providers: Quit 4 Life Youth Smoking Cessation Handbook Arnprior COPD Exercise Guide Breathing Easier: A LHIN Guide for COPD and Asthma Patients in the Champlain Region On the Road to Quitting: Health Canada Guide to Becoming a Non-Smoker Canadian Cancer Society One Step at a Time Information and Activities for Quitting Smoking
Aroland First Nation
- 1001 Rolland Rd, Aroland Health Centre, Aroland First Nation, ON, P0T 1B0
- https://www.arolandfirstnation.ca/
Support Groups & Addiction Treatment & Addiction Counselling
Provides services and support for individuals and families struggling with addiction issues Offers Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings when required Provides transportation to all meetings and workshops upon requestPrevention Provides public seminars/meetings to raise community awareness of problematic alcohol and substance use and gambling addictions Holds educational sessions in schools Coordinates cultural and spiritual eventsIntervention Facilitates recreational activities and social events Provides individual and group discussions Offers cultural and spiritual gatheringsAftercare ServicesProvides the following services aimed at preventing problematic alcohol and substance use from reoccurring: Counselling, sharing circles and support groups Regular phone calls and home visits Referrals to band services, social services, detoxification and treatment centres and medical assistance